Telecommunications Program      
 News Spotlight  

> Joint Federal Wireless Initiative Website

> Rural Wireless Community VISION Program

> 100% Refinancing of RUS and RTB loans now available! See our new Rapid Refinance loan application guide for details.

> 7CFR 1739 Proposed Rule To Administer the Community Connect Grant Program for the provision of broadband transmission service

> Federal Register Notice of Funding for Public Television Digital Transmission

> DLT Grant Awards

> New: Revised Outside Plant Contract (RUS Form 515) & Associated Specifications (1753F-150-153)

> New: Weather Radio Transmitter Grant Program
      >> Updated: RUS awards over $4.8 million in NOAA Weather Radio Transmitter Grants



New: Broadband Workshop Flyer

Community Connect Grant

     Rural America has been the foundation that this nation was built on and has been one of the fundamental elements for the strongest and healthiest economy in the world. The agricultural sector of the economy propelled the nation and enabled it to reach out in different directions, fostering the Industrial Age to create great achievements that surpassed many others in the industrialized world. Today's Information Age - the successor of the Industrial Age it can be argued - is now enabling us to repay rural America for its hard work, drive, and devotion to making this the most prosperous nation in the world.

     Many challenges face rural Americans, the students, citizens, and businesses. Children growing up on our farms and in our rural towns are entitled to the best education our nation can provide. Our rural citizens should not have to endure inadequate health care that diminishes the quality or length of their lives. And why would we let our economy grow leaps and bounds in our cities and information centers, leaving behind those that forged the basis of it? We shouldn't and we won't. With today's information infrastructure and communications, we can create new opportunities in our rural communities. We can provide lifesaving treatments for the ill. And enable our rural students to compete on an international level of high achievement, not just a state or national level. The same spirit and drive of those living in rural America that started our national odyssey will serve as the backbone of rural America's "new beginning" in today's digital odyssey.

     RUS continues to provide many programs for financing rural America's telecommunications infrastructure. The "traditional" infrastructure loan program, consisting of hardship, cost of money, Rural Telephone Bank, and guaranteed loans, provides financing of broadband and other advanced services. Since 1995, every telephone line constructed with RUS financing has been capable of providing broadband service using digital subscriber loop (DSL) technology. The Distance Learning and Telemedicine program continues its charge to wire our schools and improve health care delivery in rural America.RUS Hi-tech Logo


     RUS has been given the challenge to administer several new and developing programs for improving the quality of life in rural America. The Broadband Program, a loan program designed specifically to increase the rate of deployment of technology to small towns in rural areas has enabled RUS to step beyond its traditional definition of rural (towns of 5,000 or less), and fund borrowers serving communities of up to 20,000 inhabitants. Another program, the Weather Radio Grant Program, provides funding for weather radio transmitters in rural areas. This has provided early warning systems in rural areas that are saving lives.

     The dedicated borrowers of the RUS telecommunications program have been hard at work for over 50 years, providing solutions to problems associated with serving rural America. Progress is being made and there are successes being achieved everyday. Rural carriers are providing more access and a higher deployment rate of access every day. The deployment of advanced service by rural carriers is truly impressive. RUS hopes to help those carriers continue that trend through its financing programs.

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