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Success Stories: "Repairing Our Home Has Been A Very Good Experience Which We Will Remember for the Rest of Our Lives"

Outline of Need:

A local clergyman called the Manti, Utah, Rural Development Office with concerns about a family in his area of Mayfield, Utah. This family of three was in desperate need of a new roof. The only household income was a small amount of Social Security. With a son who had been recently disabled in a serious automobile accident all income was exhausted by month’s end. During a visit to the home Rural Development staff recognized that there were extensive needs. There was no source of heat in the home other than a wood-burning cook stove. Agency staff also had significant safety concerns for this family because we could see extension cords running everywhere. The electrical wiring in the home, what little there was, was in a very bad condition.

How Rural Development Helped:

Rural Development was able to qualify this family for a grant to replace the roof and get a brand new gas furnace (learn more about this program). The gas line to the house was provided by their church. Rural Development next qualified this family for a loan and is now in partnership with our local Association of Government to re-wire the entire home and install vinyl siding over old, worn wood siding.

The Results:

The family in the doorway of their new home.The family has been particularly pleased with the work that has been completed on their home so far. They love their new roof and say, "With winter coming, it is good to know the roof won’t leak. It also makes the house look much better." Since getting natural gas to the house it is much warmer and the family has been able to get a gas stove. Our borrower says she loves to cook on the gas stove.

The family is looking forward to getting the electrical wiring and siding completed before the coldest part of winter comes. They recognize that the wiring has created a safety hazard in their home in the past and that new wiring will make this house a much safer place. When the wiring is replaced they will be able to purchase hazard insurance on their home at a significantly cheaper rate than they are now paying. The siding will provide both insulation and enhance the appearance of the home.

This family expresses their thanks to everyone who has helped. They have loved having the workers at their home and seeing the progress made through their efforts. These borrowers express their appreciation to everyone for their kindness and willingness to help. They say, "This has been a very good experience which we will remember and be blessed through the rest of our lives."

(November 2003)

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Rural Development is within the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administers rural business, cooperative, housing, utilities and community development programs.

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