NOAA Logo U.S. Dept. of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / VENTS Program

Axial Seamount Volcanic Event, January, 1998

Location Map

location map
(Click images for full view)
sound icon Earthquake sound from SOSUS(wav file)

Epicenter Map

epicenter map
(map updated 2/11/98)

Hourly Activty

hourly activity chart

movie icon 2D Event animation (mpeg)
3D Event animation (mpeg)

Events played at 3-hour interval updates.

blue ball icon NeMO Cruise Website
(education/public outreach)

blue ball icon News from sea: Ron Brown at Axial
(& completed ALVIN cruise news)
(posted 8/7/98)

1998 Cruises at Axial
(posted 7/17/98)

Results from WECOMA

Seismic Information

Wecoma Response Cruise

General Description of Axial Volcano

Related Sites

Acoustic Monitoring Project

Ocean Seismicity Theme Page



Pacific Northwest Earthquake Information

Beginning at 1200 GMT on 25 January 1998, intense seismicity was detected in the northeast Pacific Ocean using the T-phase Monitoring System developed by NOAA/PMEL to access the U.S. Navy's SOund SUrveillance System (SOSUS).

The initial activity was located on the summit and southern flank of Axial Seamount on the central Juan de Fuca Ridge near 45 55'N and 130 00'W, approximately 300 miles west of Cannon Beach, Oregon. The seismic activity lasted twelve days and included over 8,000 earthquakes detected by SOSUS.

The character of the seismicity is very similar to that observed at CoAxial Segment and the Northern Gorda Ridge, both episodes that were later confirmed to be eruptive events. Volcanic seismicity is distinctive in having numerous small events that arise from the ambient noise without a large mainshock. The initial level of activity for this event was greater than either the CoAxial or Gorda Events. All U.S. Navy SOSUS arrays and NOAA recording systems were operational and an excellent data set showing the initiation and early migration of activity was analyzed. Thanks to all personnel at NOPF Whidbey Island.

A response effort was organized by NSF/RIDGE and NOAA/VENTS investigators. A short expedition using the Oregon State University research vessel WECOMA occurred February 9-16 (preliminary results available). Other research expeditions to Axial Volcano are planned for mid-summer 1998 aboard the NOAA Ship Ron Brown.

blue ball icon Listing of past daily updates

Last Updated: 7/17/98 1500PST

Who else is interested?

Address inquiries to:

Event Detection
Chris Fox - Principal Investigator -
Bob Dziak - Seismologist -

Event Response
Jim Cowen - University of Hawaii -
Bob Embley - NOAA/PMEL -