Laboratory NURP NSERC

Eruption Confirmed!
New lava (rumbleometer stuck in flow) SE rift zone
(posted 9/1/98)


NeMO Project Description 


1998 Plans 

Technology (ROV, ships, etc.) 

Future Plans 

Axial 1998 "Eruption" Page

Other 1998 Axial cruise reports

Science Objectives

Dive/Cruise Plan


Highlights from Sea 

Today's Science News 
Participant Perspective 
Teacher Logbook 

Teacher Observations 
Questions/Answers from sea 

(video clips, animations, sounds)


NeMO logo 

NeMO Future Plans

Scientists will return to NeMO in 1999! A research expedition is scheduled for June 18 to July 17 aboard the University of Washington's R/V Thomas Thompson using the Canadian ROV ROPOS.

Within a few years, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is planned to be deployed at Axial. Unlike ROVs which are tethered to a ship, AUVs operate without a ship nearby as they are unattached. They are small battery powered vehicles that can swim freely and carry out pre-determined missions with a suite of sensors.

Some of the most dynamic changes caused by a seafloor volcanic eruption occur within days to weeks after the event, often before a ship can be deployed. The goal for NeMO is to have an AUV stationed at Axial to act as a first response tool to an event and collect critical data. The AUV will be docked most of the time at the base of a mooring attached to a surface buoy. Scientists will be able to communicate to a satellite on the buoy to send instructions to the AUV via an acoustic modem on the instrument.

See other 1998 cruises completed at Axial Volcano.