Patent EFS > How to File > Patent Electronic Filing Partners
The USPTO has entered into partnership agreements with companies to expand its electronic filing capabilities. The USPTO has provided a link to each company's Web site that will assist customers with access to specific company e-filing product and service information. Each electronic filing partnership company will pursue its own business plan to provide customers with e-filing products and services that will permit convenient and secure electronic patent application submissions to the USPTO.

The use or nonuse of these products and services will not result in any specialized or preferential treatment from the USPTO.

The USPTO is fully committed to protecting the integrity, confidentially, and security of all information received by the USPTO to include electronically filed information submitted by partner company products and services.

The electronic filing partnership program is available for use by all registered attorneys, agents, and individual inventors who conduct business with the USPTO. You are encouraged to visit each company's Web site and learn more about our partners and their patent e-filing products and services. In this capacity, the USPTO is not a representative, agent, or reseller as all product and service representations, purchase negotiations, and sales agreements are the sole responsibility of individual electronic filing partner companies.

Partnership Showcase

AutoDocs LogoAutoDocs AutoDocs, LLC is the developer of IPDAS®, the first, and still the only, document assembly system that completely automates the preparation of hundreds of documents used in USPTO and PCT filings. Designed based on the type it once and never type it again principle, IPDAS exchanges data with all major docketing and document management systems. IPDAS is networked, it is lightening fast, and it integrates with PCT-EASY.

IPDAS E-FILE™ continues the AutoDocs tradition of cutting-edge software that simplifies the prosecution practice of major law firms and corporate law departments throughout the country. The same software is used to create paper or electronic filings – click one button to file electronically, or another to generate a paper equivalent in MICROSOFT-Word. IPDAS E-FILE includes all electronic filings supported by the USPTO. Specifications created in MICROSOFT-Word as plain-vanilla word processing documents are electronic-filing ready literally in a matter of a few minutes. With a click of a button, IPDAS will also generate a paper amendment that conforms to the latest USPTO rules of practice.

See how fast, easy, and efficient it is to create accurate paper or electronic filings using IPDAS by taking the IPDAS Guided Tour on our web site.

FTF Technologies, Inc. FTF Technologies, Inc., the leader in patent lifecycle management software and services, offers FIRST TO FILE®, a web-based, end-to-end solution for patent creation and management, the first of its kind in the marketplace. The FIRST TO FILE solution provides patent professionals with powerful technology to effectively manage the entire patent process including invention disclosure, case management, collaboration, docketing, and filing. Available as a solution independent from FIRST TO FILE, FTF Technologies’ new e-filing services enable applicants to create a filing package without knowledge of XML. The e-filing service creates USPTO-compliant XML from your word processing documents and securely transmits them electronically. The FIRST TO FILE solution streamlines the administrative tasks to enable you to focus on what you do best – creating and securing intellectual property. Visit the FTF Technologies web site and learn more about our complete e-filing platform at FTF Technologies will launch its e-filing solution in September 2003.
Legal Star LogoLegalStar LegalStar introduces IP IntelliFile™ that enables the electronic filing of patent applications and related correspondence. IP IntelliFile is an integrated software program that allows the intellectual property practitioner to practice in the same manner as always. Simply prepare documents in MICROSOFT-Word or WORDPERFECT, complete the required electronic forms, import drawings, and then transmit the entire package to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with the simple click of a button! The software is FREE – pay only for the filings you do! IP IntelliFile extends the LegalStar product line that includes LegalStar’s flagship product, IP LEGALFORM®, containing electronic versions of patent, trademark, service mark, copyright, and PCT forms, and IP LegalDock, a powerful docketing system used to keep track of due dates. LegalStar is the leading supplier of software for use by intellectual property practitioners. LegalStar’s extensive customer base includes Fortune 500 companies, agencies of the federal government, major law firms, and corporations, as well as sole practitioners, small law firms, and small companies. Go to our web site for more details about IP IntelliFile!”

MICROSOFT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation; WORDPERFECT is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation.

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