Additional FOIA Information
The FOIA allows fee charges based on the requestor’s category. There are three categories:
- Commercial
- costs include search, review, and reproduction fees (to include costs for any diskettes provided).
- Educational, Non-Commercial
- costs include reproduction fees (first 100 pages provide at no cost).
- Others
- costs include search and reproduction fees (first 2 hours of search and 100 pages provided at no cost).
The FOIA also allows waivers or reduction in fees if disclosing the information is in the public interest. However, solid justification for reduced fees or complete fee waiver must be provided.
Response Time
Normally, you can expect a response to your FOIA request within 20 days (except for Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal Holidays) from the date the FOIA office receives it. If special situations exist, the FOIA office will contact you with an estimated completion date and explain the reason for the delay. The Air Force and the Lackland FOIA office work requests on a first-in, first-out basis.