Central Great Plains Research Station 
USDA-ARS / NRCS / CSU cooperating in Akron, Colorado 
1907 - 2004


2002 Annual Report ] Fact Sheets ] Feed Back ] Field Day ] NRCS-Akron ] Our Research ] Publications ] Related Links ] Staff Pages ]
2002 Annual Report

Forage Yield of Several Soybean Varieties

D.C. Nielsen

PROBLEM: Diversifying dryland production systems in the central Great Plains requires knowledge regarding the productivity of alternative crops. Producers have shown interest in forage production of soybean, yet forage yield and quality information are not available.

APPROACH: One commercial (Donegal) and seven experimental forage soybean varieties along with one commercial maturity group 7 seed variety were evaluated for forage yield and quality. Seeding was done on 18 June 2002 with a Great Plains no-till drill with 15 in. row spacing and at a rate of 200,000 seeds/a. Varieties were planted over an irrigation gradient to provide a range of available water conditions.

RESULTS: Drought, poor stand establishment, poor weed control, and hail resulted in no yield data being collected in 2002.

FUTURE PLANS: Field trials of experimental forage soybean varieties will continue as seed is made available through Dr. Tom Devine, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD. Comparisons will be made with the commercial forage variety and the commercial group 7 seed variety.

The author may be reached via e-mail at: D.C. Nielsen
or phone: 970-345-2259.

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Last edited:
Wednesday April 14, 2004