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Sitemap guide to NOAA Research web pages




Atmospheric Research

Research Partners
Aeronomy Laboratory
Air Resources Laboratory
Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
National Severe Storms Laboratory
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Space Environment Center


Climate Research

Research Partners
Aeronomy Laboratory
Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
Climate Diagnostics Center
Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
National Undersea Research Program
Office of Global Programs
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory


Ocean and Coastal Research

Research Partners
Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
National Sea Grant College Program
National Undersea Research Program
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory



Research Programs
Organizational Chart
Who We Are and What We Do
NOAA Research Backgrounders

NOAA Research Budget Initiatives for FY2003
Strategic Plan for NOAA Research
FY2001 Annual Operating Plan

Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
NOAA's Climate Observations and Services Program
Arctic Research Office
U.S. Weather Research Program
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program
International Activities
NOAA Science Advisory Board
Office of Management and Information
Field Services
Budget and External Affairs
Information Management Division
Equal Employment Opportunity
Office of Research and Program Development
Office of Scientific Support
Office of Research and Technology Applications

Research Opportunities/Grants
Employment Opportunities

Staff Directory
Contact us



Science with OAR
NOAA's Network for Teachers
NOAA Education Resources

El Niņo Theme Page
Arctic Theme Page
Global climate change
U. S. climate

Year of the Ocean
Special Sites for Kids
Jason Project
Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean theme page
NOAA Ship Ka'imimoana at sea
NOAA Ship Miller Freeman at sea

VORTEX: Unraveling the Secrets
NSSL Weather Room

GLOBE Program
Space Environment Primer

OAR Video "Dynamic Science"
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Weather and Forecasting
Part 3: Climate
Part 4: Air Quality
Part 5: Oceans and Coasts



OAR Calendar
OAR Weekly Reports
"OAR - Past, Present and Future"
NOAA Research Backgrounders
FY2000 3rd Quarter Review Presentation
SAMPLES: A quarterly newsletter sampling NOAA's Research People and Projects
NOAA Public Affairs Office
NOAA REPORT A monthly publication for NOAA employees
Archive of previous Spotlight articles
In the Spotlight...


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