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Books Related to the Balkans

Engineering Peace Cover

Engineering Peace: The Military Role in Postconflict Reconstruction
Examines the challenges of establishing sustainable security in postconflict environments in places like the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and proposes a new civilian stability force.

Implementing U.S. Human Rights PolicyCover

Implementing U.S. Human Rights Policy: Agendas, Policies, and Practices
Explores the interaction between competing moral, economic, and security considerations; examines the different challenges facing policymakers in Washington and practitioners in-country; and assesses what worked, what did not work, and why. Includes chapter by Jon Western on Bosnia.

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding Cover

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding
Explores the formidable potential of interfaith dialogue. Includes chapter by David Steel on "Interfaith Dialogue in the Former Yugoslavia."

An Ounce of Prevention Cover

An Ounce of Prevention: Macedonia and the UN Experience in Preventive Diplomacy
Provides the ultimate insider's look at the UN's attempt to establish a mission in Macedonia before the imminent eruption of mass violence spilling over from neighboring Balkan states.

Prime Time Crime: Balkan Media in War and Peace

Prime Time Crime: Balkan Media in War and Peace
Explores how media malfeasance stirred up the ethnic hatreds that led to the bloody Balkan wars of the 1990s.

Coercive Diplomacy Cover

The United States and Coercive Diplomacy
Dissects the uneven performance of coercive diplomacy and explains why it has sometimes worked and why it has more often failed. Includes chapter by Steven L. Burg on Bosnia and Kosovo.

Where Is the Lone Ranger When We Need Him? Cover

Where Is the Lone Ranger When We Need Him? America's Search for a Postconflict Stability Force
Examines the challenges of establishing sustainable security in postconflict environments in places like the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and proposes a new civilian stability force.


Following its mandate to promote the prevention, management, and peaceful resolution of international conflicts, the United States Institute of Peace is committed to publishing significant works that offer new insights and information to practitioners, scholars, diplomats, and students, among others. Below you will find a list of reports related to Balkans (listed by region) published by the Institute over the past several years.

Balkans Region ] [ Bosnia Herzegovina ] [ Croatia ] [ Kosovo ] [ Macedonia ] [ Montenegro ] [ Serbia ]

Also included (see sidebar) are several volumes published by the U.S. Institute of Peace Press exploring issues related to the Balkans.


Balkans Region

Lawless Rule Versus Rule of Law in the Balkans
Special Report, December 2002
Examines how political extremists, intelligence and security forces, and organized criminal enterprises formed enduring power structures during the 1990s that instigated war and persist in obstructing peace.

Europe Takes the Lead in the Balkans
Newsbyte, February 27, 2002
Explores how the United States can set its allies up for success in securing the peace in the Balkans.

Taking Stock and Looking Forward: Intervention in the Balkans
Special Report, February 2002
Discusses lessons learned and how they might be applied both in the Balkans and to future international interventions elsewhere.

Albanians in the Balkans
Special Report, November 2001
Examines the Albanian populations of Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania, and outlines the major issues Albanians face in each of these areas.

Balkan Returns: An Overview of Refugee Returns
Special Report, December 1999
Focuses on the question of refugee and in particular minority returns in the former Yugoslavia.

De-Balkanizing the Balkans: Security and Stability in Southeastern Europe
Special Report, September 1999
Looks at the important consequences of the Kosovo conflict for the future of NATO and the European Union, and discusses the new Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe.

Building Security in Post-Cold War Eurasia
Peaceworks, September 1999
Elaborates on the conflict-management work of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and explores its possibilities as a complement to the United States' reliance on NATO as a principal instrument of U.S. foreign policy in trouble spots across Europe.

Balkan Leaders Speak Out: “Don't Allow Milosevic to Divide Us From Europe”
Newsbyte, April 29, 1999
Outlines highlights from the April 1999 Institute sponsored conference "Crisis or Stability in the Balkans: Regional Perspective."

“Yugoslavia”: Building Democratic Institutions
Special Report, April 1999
Examines the need for democratization throughout the fromerYugoslavia to ensure long-term stability in the region.

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Bosnia Herzegovina

Can Faith-Based NGOs Advance Interfaith Reconciliation?: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Special Report, March 2003
Explores the range of initiatives undertaken by faith-based NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and how they have evolved over time.

Balkans Election Season: Intractable Problems, Persistent Nationalism
Newsbyte, September 16, 2002
Examines how the fall 2002 elections in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia could impact overall security and stability in the region.

Bosnia's Next Five Years: Dayton and Beyond
Special Report, November 2000
Analyzes the implementation of Dayton, outlines goals for the next five years, and identifies policy options to enhance Bosnia and Herzegovina's transition to self-sustaining peace and multi-ethnic democracy.

Three Dimensions of Peacebuilding in Bosnia
Peaceworks, December 2000
Highlights some of the Institute-funded programs focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina and shares the lessons gleaned from policy-related research covering foreign aid, human rights and rule of law, and programs devoted to reconciliation and civil society institutions in Bosnia.

Negotiating the Dayton Peace Accords Through Digital Maps
Virtual Diplomacy Report, June 2000
Explores the role played by digital maps, computer-assisted map tailoring, spatial statistical analysis, and terrain visualization in the creation of the Dayton Accords.

Bosnia Report Card: Pass, Fail, or Incomplete?
Special Report, January 1999
Offers an assessment of Dayton three years after its inception based on the views of the Balkans Working Group and assorted regional experts.

NGOs and Peacebuilding in Bosnia's Ethnically Divided Cities
Special Report, June 1998
Explores the political boundaries in many of Bosnia's municipalities that have prevented postconflict reconstruction and reconciliation.

Dayton Implementation: Apprehension & Prosecution of Indicted War Criminals
Special Report, September 1997
Discusses ways to strengthen and reinforce the work of the International War Crimes Tribunal for Yugoslavia.

Dayton Implementation: The Train and Equip Program
Special Report, September 1997
Explores the component of the overall Dayton settlement which calls for the arming and training of a Bosnian army to defend against and deter aggressors.

Dayton Implementation: The Return of the Refugees
Special Report, September 1997
Discusses obstacles to the return process and larger political, economic, social, legal, and security-related implications of refugee returns.

Military Balance in Bosnia and Its Effect on Prospects of Peace
Special Report, August 1995
Examines the highlights from a special Institute briefing on the military balance in Bosnia conducted at the request of the Congressional Committee on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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Croatia After Tudjman
Special Report, August 1998
Explores how Tudjman's departure from political power will impact Bosnia's future, overall stability in the region, and efforts by the international community to promote peace and stability in the Balkans.

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Kosovo and Serbia: Still in Need of a Plan
USIPeace Briefing, June 2, 2004
Explores the security situation in Kosovo in the wake of the spring 2004 riots and makes recommendations to the international community to prevent future violence.

Kosovo: Status with Standards
Newsbyte, April 15, 2004
Analyzes the causes of the March riots in Kosovo and outlines the challenges facing the international community in building a strong foundation for stability and security in Kosovo.

International Judges and Prosecutors in Kosovo: A New Model for Post-Conflict Peacekeeping
Special Report, November 2003
Examines the role of the international community—and particularly of international judges and prosecutors—in creating a climate in Kosovo to challenge impunity and contribute to the establishment of the rule of law.

Kosovo Decision Time: How and When?
Special Report, February 2003
Discusses the process of deciding Kosovo's final status, including what process could move the issue of Kosovo forward, and potential next steps in the process.

Simulating Kosovo: Lessons for Final Status Negotiations
Special Report, November 2002
Explores the outcome of three simulations of Kosovo final status negotiations conducted by the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG), funded under a grant from the United States Institute of Peace.

Kosovo Final Status: Options and Cross-Border Requirements
Special Report, July 2002
Considers the full range of options for Kosovo's final status with a focus on cross-border issues that will need to be addressed to ensure Kosovo's interests as well as those of its neighbors and other international partners.

Kosovo Brief: Information Management Offers A New Opportunity for Cooperation Between Civilian and Military Entities
Virtual Diplomacy Report, August 2000
Recommends an information system that could facilitate civilian-military cooperation and describes how a geographic information system (GIS) in Kosovo allowed civilians and the military to share geographic information to create better conditions for their activities as they assisted in repopulating and rebuilding post-crisis Kosovo.

Transatlantic Relations in the Aftermath of Kosovo
Special Report, May 2000
Considers whether a Europe "peaceful, undivided, and democratic" is feasible without the successful integration and stabilization of southeastern Europe.

Kosovo: Escaping the Cul-de-Sac
Special Report, July 1998
Provides recommendations for how the negotiating process could achieve a viable and acceptable outcome for all parties to the conflict in Kosovo.

Kosovo Dialogue: Too Little, Too Late
Special Report, June 1998
Discusses potential solutions to the conflict in Kosovo, the negotiation process between Serbia and Kosovo, and possible outcomes of those negotiations.

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Macedonia: Understanding History, Preventing Future Conflict
Special Report, February 2004
Sketches the background to the conflict in Macedonia, describes the ethnic divisions within the educational system, examines the goals and methodology of the reconciliation program, and assesses the program's impact within Macedonia and its lessons for peacebuilders everywhere.

Putting Peace into Practice: Can Macedonia's New Government Meet the Challenge?
Special Report, November 2002
Examines the current status of Macedonia's peace agreement in light of the country's September 15 parliamentary elections and proposes a set of recommendations to Macedonia's officials and to U.S. and European Union policymakers who are involved with the agreement's implementation.

Macedonia: Not Out of the Woods Yet, U.S. Support Still Needed
Newsbyte, October 29, 2002
Discusses the prospects for a new governing coalition in Macedonia, implementation of the Ohrid agreement, the EU's political and economic leadership, the future of the NATO military mission, and the role of the United States.

Macedonia: Prevention Can Work
Special Report, March 2000
Focuses on recent developments in Macedonia and seeks to identify the obstacles to and opportunities for continued democratization and greater ethnic harmony.

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Serbia and Montenegro: Reintegration, Divorce, or Something Else?
Special Report, April 2001
Focuses on the future of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the relationship between its two members, Serbia and Montenegro, following the fall 2000 parliamentary and presidential elections in Serbia.

Montenegro's Vote: No
Newsbyte, August 28, 2000
Examines the relationship between Montenegro and Serbia with a special focus on how the decision by Montenegro to boycott the September elections in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia may impact regional stability.

Montenegro—And More—At Risk
Special Report, January 1999
Discusses the growing threat to Montenegro from Serbia and recommends preventive measures that can be taken by the international community and the Montenegrins themselves.

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Kosovo and Serbia: Still in Need of a Plan
USIPeace Briefing, June 2, 2004
Explores the security situation in Kosovo in the wake of the spring 2004 riots and makes recommendations to the international community to prevent future violence.

Serbia Needs a Push in the Right Direction
Newsbyte, March 12, 2004
Analyzes the current political situation in Serbia and explores the impact of the December 28, 2003 elections on Belgrade's relations with Montenegro, Kosovo, and the international community.

Serbia Still at the Crossroads
Special Report, March 2002
Examines Serbia's rocky road to reform from January 2001, when the 18-party Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) took power, until the beginning of 2002, when it remained in power but had lost active participation of Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica's party.

Whither the Bulldozer?: Nonviolent Revolution and the Transition to Democracy in Serbia
Special Report, August 2001
Focuses on the largely nonviolent revolution that led to the removal of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic from office and the rise to power of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia with particular attention on the role of nonviolence in the revolution and the role of Serbia's civil society in the country's transition to democracy.

Serbia and Montenegro: Reintegration, Divorce, or Something Else?
Special Report, April 2001
Focuses on the future of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the relationship between its two members, Serbia and Montenegro, following the fall 2000 parliamentary and presidential elections in Serbia.

Yugoslavia: The Incomplete Revolution
Newsbyte, March 20, 2001
Explores how the international community can be supportive of reformers in Yugoslavia in the aftermath of Slobodan Milosevic's electoral defeat and the installation of Vojislav Kostunica as the new president of Yugoslavia.

Yugoslav Elections: What Next?
Newsbyte, September 29, 2000
Examines the meaning of the September 24 Yugoslav elections results and what the current government of president Slobodan Milosevic will do next.

Grappling with Peace Education in Serbia
Peaceworks, April 2000
Looks at seven peace education programs in Serbia, shows how they fit into the field of peace education more generally, and discusses the methodology and content of the programs, including evaluations of the programs' effects.

Moving Serbia Toward Democracy
Newsbyte, June 21, 1999
Examines the effectiveness of various strategies to encourage democratization in Serbia and discusses how the international community can best support democracy advocates and reformers inside Serbia.

Serbia: Democratic Alternatives
Special Report, June 1998
Discusses potential programs for promoting democracy, pluralism, and stable institutions in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Serbian Nationalism and the Origins of the Yugoslav Crisis
Peaceworks, April 1996
Explores the disintegration of Yugoslavia and why its breakup was not a peaceful one with a focus on why and when the demise of multinational states creates ethnic polarization that seem resolvable only by force and even genocide.

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