Instructions to download NSF’s Program Announcements and Organizational Unit codes with the related divisions and program element codes.

When a Grant Request (proposal) is sent in EDI format as a transaction set 194 NSF requires that the program announcement number be entered in the data element BGN06 of the BGN segment in the position number 020. ( ) . 



Transaction Set Header



Beginning Segment


Further to ensure that the proposal is directed to the correct divisions within NSF, valid division names are required in the EDI transaction. One or more division name should be entered in the data element N903 which is a part of a segment N9 ( position number 130) , that could occur multiple times. (




Individual or Organization name



Additional name






Geographic location



Reference Identification


Finally to ensure that the proposal is directed to the correct programs within divisions within NSF, valid program element names are required in the EDI transaction. One or more NSF organizational units, consisting of a division code concatenated to a program element code should be entered in the data element N902 which is a part of a segment N9 (position number 060), that could occur multiple times. (




Reference Identification





The program announcements, the related division names, and related program element codes could change in the NSF's database on a daily basis. The end-user who prepares and sends EDI transaction to NSF have two options to extract this data. They can either download using an NSF supplied extract program or click on a hyper-link to download this data interactively through a browser.

Option-1- Use an extract program supplied by NSF to download this data

This option is meant for users who prepare proposals to NSF in EDI format using EDI generation software (such as the one GAMS uses...). They users could add the runing of this "data exract" program as a part of their EDI generation process. Here the user should first download an extract program provided by NSF and then run it with specified input parameters. The extract program is a JAVA class file that requires for running, the use of a JAVA interpreter provided for free with the Java Development Kit JDK. Download the extract program first from the URL Then run the extract program with two parameters-

java GetUrlContents "" "<Your File Name>"

The output will be created in a file name specified in the second parameter <Your File Name>. Each record in this file contains a program announcement, a division associated with it, and a program element code. The exact format of this file is defined as follows-

Each record has 228 characters

The character position of the data items in each record is shown below-

1-10-----------Progam Announcement id Related to EDI BGN06

(i.e Characters 1 through 10 have the program announcement id ...)

12-111---------Program Announcement Description

113-122--------Effective date of this program announcement

124-133--------Expiration date of this program announcement

135-142--------Division code

144-183--------Division name Related to N903

185-188--------Program element code

190-219--------Program name Related to N903

221-228--------Organizational Unit Code Related to N903

(i.e Characters 221 through 228 have the NSF Organizational Unit, consisting of a concatenated division code and program element code ...)

Screen prints of downloading and running the extract program.

Option-2- Click on a hyper-link to display the data on a browser screen
This option is lot simpler to use and is meant for those willing to use the program announcements, division names, and program element codes from a browser’s screen on a daily basis. The URL to do this is

Use the Back button on the toolbar to return to the previous screen.

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