President George W. Bush: Resources for the President's Team The White House
President George W. Bush meets with Dan Bartlett, center, and Josh Bolten in the Oval Office Jan. 9, 2003.  White House photo by Eric Draper.
The Deputy Director for Mgmt
PMA updates, best practices, and general information.
Grading Implementation of the PMA.
Human Capital
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Competitive Sourcing
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Improving Financial Performance
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Budget & Performance Integration
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Sharing Best Practices
Stories of achieving breaktrough results in government.
The Five Initatives

President Bush speaks to the Executive Service. "I hope you'll never take the honor of public service for granted. Some of us will serve in government for a season; others will spend an entire career here. But all of us should dedicate ourselves to great goals: We are not here to mark time, but to make progress, to achieve results, and to leave a record of excellence."

President George W. Bush
to the Executive Service, October 15, 2001


"Strike Forces" Help You Reach Your Goals

Dear Colleagues:

This letter is intended to share some of the methods that OPM has used to implement the President's Management Agenda and let you know how OPM can help your agency with regard to the strategic management of human capital.

Communication and Ownership
I believe that communication and ownership are the two intertwined keys needed to successfully implement the President's Management Agenda (PMA).
  • Having one point of contact for the PMA is important. OPM has one SES "driver" for the PMA scorecard - Joseph Riddle. He provides weekly updates to the Director as well as senior managers on the progress made during that week. Along with Joe, four senior managers are "owners" of the five Governmentwide initiatives. Each manager has several specific - and scored - action items for which they are responsible within the initiative they own.

  • We have created a chart (3'x 4') which clearly identifies the five initiatives and scored action items along with a picture of the person who owns that initiative. Each "owner" updates the Director on the status of their initiatives in management meetings. Copies of the chart are placed throughout OPM as a reminder of the goals that the entire agency must meet. We also prominently display the chart at our weekly meetings - it is easy to see results. Click here to see OPM's progress chart.
To truly change the culture of public service, it is important that line managers understand the President's agenda. We changed the SES standards to include the PMA measures. Performance is equated to success on the PMA. Our evaluation form is posted here.

One additional note with regard to the Strategic Human Capital component of the PMA, I strongly suggest that you not delegate Strategic Management of Human Capital to your Human Resources people. They play a key role, but principals and senior managers must own this effort - they are the ones accountable to the President.

Listening to you
When I first came to OPM, people told me they didn't know how OPM could help their agency. One way that we have begun to be more proactive in dealing with agencies is by establishing OPM Strike Forces. Similar to the in-home repair agreements that come with some computers, our strike forces are human resource specialists which come to your agency to help you identify and solve your most pressing personnel and human capital needs.

OPM Strike Forces assisted in 'standing up' the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). OPM provided TSA advice and assistance in all areas of human resources management - hiring and firing, security investigations, compensation, performance management, classification and SES staffing.

Call me or my Senior Advisor, Ed Flynn, to find out how our Strike Forces can assist your agency.

I hope you find this information useful as you seek to implement the PMA.


Kay Coles James

The Five Initatives:
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