Central Great Plains Research Station 
USDA-ARS / NRCS / CSU cooperating in Akron, Colorado 
1907 - 2004


Staff Information Page

Central Great Plains Research Station
USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plains Area
40335 Rd. GG
Akron, CO 80720
Phone: 970-345-0520/ 970-345-2259
FAX: 970-345-2088
E-Mail: Maysoon.Mikha@ars.usda.gov


1981 B.S., Soil Science, University of Baghdad, Bagdad, Iraq.
          1998 M.S., Soil Microbiology, Kansas State University.
2003 Ph.D., Soil Microbiology Ecology, Kansas State University.
Professional Experience
1981-1990 Asst. Scientist, Agriculture Research Station, Water Resources Research Center, Baghdad-Iraq
          1991-1995 Assistant, Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State University
1995-1996 Grad. Res. Asst. Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State University
          1996-2002 Res. Asst., Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State University
2002-2003 Res. Associate, Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State University
          2003-present Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS, Akron, CO
Research Interests
Studied long-term effect of tillage practices (no-tillage and conventional tillage) and N sources (manure and fertilizer) on:
                1. Soil organic matter fractions
      2. Soil aggregation and physically protected C and N.
                3. Soil N supply capacity.
      4. Crop yield
          Assessed carbon and nitrogen release (flush) with repeated wetting and drying cycles.
Kinetic assessment of carbon and nitrogen mineralization rates.
          Measured biological properties for a soil quality assessment.

Research Bibliography

Mikha, M.M., R. Lamond, and C.W Rice. 2001. The effect of tillage and nitrogen source on soil organic matter and resulting corn yield. p. 70-75 In Proceeding of Kansas Fertilizer Research 2001.

Mikha, M.M., P.L. Barnes, L.D. Maddux, and C.W. Rice. 1997. Impact of cover crops on residue and nitrogen contribution to subsequent crops. p. 41-42 In Proceeding of Kansas Fertilizer Research 1997.

Publications in progress:

Mikha, M.M. and C.W. Rice, 2003. Effect of tillage and manure on soil and aggregate-associated carbon and nitrogen (Peer reviewed SSSAJ).

Mikha, M.M. and C.W. Rice, 2002. Time-dependant changes of C and N mineralization rate constant

Questions? Comments? Contact for Web Info Request

Last edited:
Wednesday April 14, 2004