banner image for surface and microanalysis science division with links to chemical science and technology laboratory and and return to division home page Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory label with link to Surface and Microanalysis Science Division label with link to home.html NIST logo label with link to

Collage of division data activites and symbols CGI program data input form for web-based interactive data processing of CO2 isotope measurements Factorial design for simulated XPS doublet spectra Earth symbol with WWW monogram. The WWW enables wide dissemination of our data activities. Link to surface data Link to DTSA Automotive/Transportation Electric Power/Utilities Pristine water, shore, mountains, and sky. The environmental industry provides instruments and measurement services to monitor our environment. Quality of these instruments and measurements is assured through proper use of NIST standards Urban areas are often strongly impacted by PM affecting air quality. NIST standards help to accurately quantify PM and its constituents to improve mitigation measures PM and precursors are emitted through chemical manufacturing and the coatings industries. The Automotive/Transportation Electric Power/Utilities Environmental Services Urban Areas Chemical Manufacturing

Division activities involve the development and dissemination of four types of fundamental data services and products: (1) Standard Reference Data (SRD) providing well-documented, evaluated numeric data for use in surface and microanalysis science related problem-solving, research, and development; (2) data generated through intercomparison exercises using standard materials, for exploring interlaboratory and methodological variables that influence the traceability of measurements; (3) validated standard software and Web-enabled tools needed for the accurate deconvolution of complex measurement data; and (4) resolution of nomenclature issues related to particulate matter, calibration, and limits of detection .

Data Activity
Technical Report
Technical Highlight
SRD 20: x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) database
Website for SRD 20
SRD 64: electron elastic-scattering cross-section database
Website for SRD 64
SRD 71: electron inelastic-mean-free-path database
Website for SRD 71
SRD 77: isotopes in atmospheric methane
Website for SRD 77: isotopes in atmospheric methane
SRD 82: electron effective-attenuation-length database    
Website for SRD 82
Web-based Standard Test Data (STD) for XPS measurements
Technical Report for Web-based XPS-STD
Highlight for Web-based XPS-STD
Website for XPS-STD
Web-based data-processing system for isotope measurements of CO2
Highlight for web-based processing system for CO2 isotope measurements
Website for data processing of CO2 isotope measurements
International comparison of 13C and 18O in isotope Reference Materials
Report of IAEA-NIST intercomparison of stable isotope reference materials
Desktop Spectrum Analyzer (DTSA)
Website for Desktop Spectrum Analyzer
LISPIX: image analysis
Website for LISPIX
IUPAC activities regarding Calibration and Limits of Detection
No link

Links to Related Data Activities
Inside NIST
Outside NIST
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Last Updated August 29, 2002

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