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Steps to a HealthierUS "Community-Focused Initiative to Reduce the Burden of Asthma, Diabetes, and Obesity" Funding Announcement And May 19 Webcast Discussion

An interactive Internet Webcast discussion of the Request For Application (RFA) for "Steps to a HealthierUS Cooperative Agreement program announcement to reduce the burden of Asthma, Diabetes, and obesity," will occur on May 19,2004 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

The cooperative agreement, administered through the Steps to a HealthierUS Cooperative Agreement program of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), will fund additional Steps Communities in FY 2004. Awards will be provided to large city/urban communities, state-coordinated small city/rural communities, and tribal consortiums. These awards will be made through a competitive Request for Application (RFA) process.

More information including instructions on how to access the Webcast will be provided at www.healthierus.gov/steps.

More information about this cooperative agreement is available at www.omhrc.gov/omh/whatsnew/2pgwhatsnew/funding768.htm or in the Federal Register: May 7, 2004 edition.