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President Signs New Executive Order Reauthorizing White House Initiative On Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, New Executive Director Appointed

President George W. Bush on May 13, 2004, signed a new Executive Order "Increasing Economic Opportunity And Business Participation Of Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders (AAPI)," an order that renews the President's Advisory Commission on Asian American and Pacific Islanders, and the Office of the White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific Islanders. The purpose of Executive Order is to provide equal economic opportunities for full participation of Asian American and Pacific Islander businesses in our free market economy where they may be underserved and thus improving the quality of life for AAPIs.

The President also appointed Eddy R. Badrina as the new Director of the White House Initiative on AAPI. Mr. Badrina is charged with coordinating all federal activities under the Executive Order entitled "Increasing Economic Opportunity And Business Participation Of Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders."

Mr. Badrina is also responsible for working with the White House and the President's Advisory Commission on AAPIs to advise the President on the needs and concerns of this population.

The White House Initiative on AAPI will new be housed at the Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency. Previously, the Initiative was housed at HHS, Health Resources and Services Administration. The President's Advisory Commission on AAPI was reestablished and placed in the Department of Commerce.

This Order expands the President's deep commitment of ensuring that the needs of Asian American and Pacific Islanders are addressed. The Initiative will focus on providing equal economic opportunities for Asian American and Pacific Islanders where they may be underserved.

To view the Executive Order, visit www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/05/20040513-2.html.

To view the President's Proclamation of May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, visit www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/05/20040507-9.html.