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Bureau of Economic Analysis

Survey of Current Business

Table of Contents
August 2001

S pecial in this issue

7 Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates, 1998-2000, and Quarterly Estimates, 1998:I-2001:I    (PDF)

Overall, the picture of the U.S. economy that is presented by the revised estimates is similar to that shown by the previously published estimates. Both sets of estimates show strong growth, fueled by consumer spending and business investment, and low inflation. For the period covered by the revisions, the average annual growth rate of real GDP was revised down from 4.5 percent to 4.2 percent, but the revised rate is still considerably above the average growth rate of 3.5 percent over the current expansion (1991:I-2001:I). The revised estimates reflect the incorporation of newly available and revised regular source data and the introduction of changes in methodology, including the use of better source data to prepare the estimates of fixed investment in prepackaged and custom software and in communication equipment.


159 Gross State Product by Industry, 1992-99  (PDF)

In 1992-99, the average annual growth rates in real gross state product (GSP) ranged from 7.3 percent in Arizona to - 0.3 percent in Hawaii. In 1999, California accounted for the largest share (13.2 percent) of the Nation's current-dollar GSP, followed by New York (8.1 percent) and Texas (7.4 percent). The new and revised GSP estimates incorporate the results of the July 2000 revision of the NIPA's, the October 2000 revision of State personal income, and the December 2000 release of GDP by industry.


R egular features

1 Business Situation  (PDF)

The pace of U.S. production slowed further to an increase of 0.7 percent in the second quarter of 2001. In particular, nonresidential fixed investment and exports of goods decreased much more than in the first quarter, and consumer spending increased less. Inflation moderated.


141 U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Operations in 1999 (PDF)

The current-dollar gross product of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies increased 8 percent in 1999, the same increase as in 1998. The U.S.-affiliate share of GDP in U.S. private industries edged up to a record 6.4 percent. By country of ownership, the United Kingdom remained the largest investing country, and by industry, manufacturing continued to account for more than half of the gross product of all affiliates.

173 Personal Income by State: First Quarter 2001 and Revised Quarterly Estimates for 2000 (PDF)

From the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2001, Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia were the States with the fastest growth in nonfarm income, reflecting strength in high-tech industries. Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio had the slowest growth in nonfarm income, reflecting declines in motor vehicle manufacturing.



Note:   Files listed above contain the text and the tables of the articles;
the tables are also available separately in Excel spreadsheets.


R eports and statistical presentations

34 National Income and Product Accounts Tables  (PDF)

121 GDP and Other Major NIPA Series, 1929-2001:I  (PDF)


D-1 BEA Current and Historical Data  (PDF)

National Data

D-2 Special note

D-3 Domestic perspectives  (PDF)

D-5 Charts    (PDF)

International Data

D-7 Transactions tables  (PDF)

D-13 Investment tables  (PDF)

D-18 International perspectives  (PDF)

D-19 Charts  (PDF)

Regional Data

D-20 State and regional tables  (PDF)

D-24 Local area table  (PDF)

D-26 Charts (PDF)


D-28 Additional Information About the NIPA Estimates  (PDF)

D-30 Suggested Reading  (PDF)



Inside back cover: Getting BEA's Estimates

Back cover: Schedule of Upcoming BEA News Releases