TravellerFood, Fun and Friends!
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What is the Peace Corps?
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Food, Friends, and Fun!
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Did you ever wonder what it would be like to live in another country?

Focusing on 10 of the countries around the world where Peace Corps Volunteers serve, the following pages let you explore what everyday life would be like if you lived overseas!

    graphic of fireworks and calendar
  • Holidays
    What's your favorite holiday or celebration? Learn about New Year's in Russia and holidays in other countries.

    graphic of ears of corn

  • Food
    What's your favorite food? Read more about food in Morocco and dishes in many other countries.

    graphic of schoolbook and apple

  • Schools
    What would school be like in a different country? Children in Kiribati start school at age 9. Learn more about schools around the world.

  • What to Bring?
    If you were going to be a Volunteer in Ecuador, what would you pack? Here's a list of what one volunteer brought with her.

  • Just for Fun
    What do people do for fun in Ecuador? In Russia?

  • A Typical Day
    What is a typical day like for a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Africa? What does a volunteer in Kiribati do before school?