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Deschler's Precedents: Search Tips

A simple search interface provides another method of accessing sections of Deschler’s Precedents. Enter a query in the search-terms box to search the full text of the compilation.

Sample Searches | Identification Codes

Sample Searches (3)

The following sample searches are provided as guides to general types of searches in Deschler’s Precedents. For the sake of space, only the top three hits in each results list are included with each example below.

Note: The results of these sample searches are described as they appear on the Web interface. The display of the results may vary for users of the WAIS client and SWAIS software.

Subject | Chapter | Section

1. Search by Subject

This type of search returns documents that are related to a specific subject. The word(s) that you enter as your search term(s) may appear anywhere within the document.

Query: "establish* quorum"
Results: 52093c02 Sec. 4. The Clerk's Roll
52093c20 Sec. 3. The Chair's Count; Names Included on Calls
52093c30 Sec. 29. Voting by the Speaker

2. Search by Chapter

This type of search returns documents based on chapter number, including all of the sections within that chapter. Be sure to enclose the query within quotation marks. If the chapter contains more than 30 sections, it is recommended that you either expand the maximum number of records returned or narrow the query with other keywords.

Query: "chapter 21"
Results: 52093c21 Sec. 15. Voting on the Motion
52093c21 Sec. 31. Relative Precedence Among Privileged Matters
52093c21 Sec. 6. One-minute Speeches

3. Search by Section

This type of search returns documents based on section number. The section citation must be abbreviated in the format "sec 7"; use of the full word "section" will retrieve documents that reference sections of the U.S. Code and other publications but will not retrieve that section of Deschler’s Precedents. Due to the repetition of section numbers in different chapters, this type of search is most effective when used in conjunction with a chapter search. Be sure to enclose phrases within quotation marks.

Query: "chapter 12" and "sec 7"
Results: 52093c12 Sec. 7. Misconduct in Elections or Campaigns
52093c12 Conduct or Discipline of Members, Officers, or Employees
52093c12 Sec. 9. Abuses in Hiring, Employment, and Travel

Identification Codes

In the list that displays your search results, the title of each document is preceded by an identification code. An identification code for Deschler’s Precedents typically contains three elements: the number 52093, which identifies the GPO database; a chapter citation; and a section citation. For example, in the listing "52093c15 Sec. 13. Rights of Witnesses Under House Rules," "c15" stands for "Chapter 15," and "Sec. 13" stands for "Section 13." Variations on this standard identification-code format occur for documents that lack chapter and/or section numbers, such as subject indices, appendices, and the preface and other introductory materials, but all document identification codes contain the number 52093.