Partnering and Leadership Successes

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Member Business Lending
A PALS Workshop for Credit Unions
March 25, 2004


PALS Web Page

This free workshop is co-hosted by NCUA with the California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington credit union leagues, the Credit Union Association of the West, the Credit Union National Association, and the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions.

Welcoming Remarks


Succeeding with Member Business Loans—Credit Union Experiences

Facilitator: Dave Chatfield, President, California Credit Union League


Managing Member Business Lending Regulatory Requirements

Facilitator: Melinda Love, Regional Director, NCUA Region 5, Tempe, AZ




Managing Member Business Lending Risk

Facilitator: John Annaloro, President, Washington Credit Union League


Resources, Support and Partnering Opportunities

Facilitator: Gene Poitras, President, Credit Union Association of Oregon


Concluding Remarks