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Afghan Women Have "Limitless Opportunities," Says Ambassador

U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad described Afghanistan's new constitution as a "historic milestone" for granting women the same rights as men, as well as guaranteeing their participation in the national legislature.

"Now they are equal before the law and their opportunities are limitless.  The world watches as you fulfill your roles as leaders," Khalilzad said in remarks released March 8 by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul marking International Women's Day.

Afghan women deserve security, quality health care, education, and employment, said the ambassador. "All of this can be achieved."

"No society can achieve its full potential if it does not use the talents of half its people," he said. "Given the suffering and devastation this country has experienced in the last 25 years, Afghanistan needs to take advantage of the talents and energy of all its citizens."

Recounting the struggle of American women for equal rights, Khalilzad said they understand and stand with their Afghan counterparts "as they advance in society and strive for a well-deserved role in the emerging Afghan democracy."

Following is the text of the Embassy Kabul press release


Monday, March 8, 2004

U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad Celebrates the Role of Afghan Women on International Women's Day

Kabul, Afghanistan -- U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad celebrates the importance of International Women's Day:

"Over the past two years, Afghan women have resurfaced as powerful contributors to Afghan society -- serving as an inspiration to us all," U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad said.

"Throughout the Constitutional Loya Jirga, women made their voices heard by representing their communities and the rights of women. Achieving equal rights for women in the new constitution is a historic milestone. Now it is time to implement the constitution -- to make the promise of these new rights a reality through voter registration and participation in the election and the future government.

"No society can achieve its full potential if it does not use the talents of half its people. Given the suffering and devastation this country has experienced in the last 25 years, Afghanistan needs to take advantage of the talents and energy of all its citizens.

"We are making progress, but there is a long way to go. The practices of forced and under-aged marriage, as well as the trading of women to settle disputes, must end. Afghan women deserve security, both in their homes and communities. They deserve access to quality health care. They deserve access to and equal opportunity for education. They deserve increased opportunities for jobs to contribute to the well being of their families. All of this can be achieved.

"American women also struggled for equal rights. When the United States was an emerging democracy, American women fought to be recognized as equals in higher education, voting, and in the working world. With their determination, women achieved a new status and today, many of the pivotal leaders in America are women. American women understand the plight and stand with the women of Afghanistan as they advance in society and strive for a well-deserved role in the emerging Afghan democracy.

"Today we celebrate the vitality, determination, strength, and future of Afghan women. Now they are equal before the law and their opportunities are limitless.  The world watches as you fulfill your roles as leaders. May God Bless the Women of Afghanistan."

Embassy of the United States