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Operation Candy Box logo Operation Candy Box: Over 130 Arrested in American-Canadian Crackdown on Ecstasy and Marijuana Drug Ring Operation Candy Box logo

photo - Deputy Attorney General James Comey and DEA Administrator Karen Tandy announce the culmination of Operation Candy Box
Deputy Attorney General James Comey and DEA Administrator Karen Tandy announce the culmination of Operation Candy Box

March 31 - More than 130 people were arrested today in a two-nation crackdown on a huge drug trafficking ring that manufactured large quantities of Ecstasy and marijuana in Canada and then shipped them to cities around the United States.

One outcome of this three-year investigation, called Operation Candy Box, was the discovery that Ecstasy trafficking, which had largely been controlled by Russian and Israeli gangs, had now spread to groups with ties to Southeast Asia. The two principal targets of this investigation were Ze Wai Wong, a Chinese national, and Mai Phuong Le, a Vietnamese national.


photo - MDMA Tableting Lab
photo - seized marijuana
MDMA Tableting Lab
Seized Marijuana

A second outcome of the operation was the disruption of a sizable money laundering business and the discovery of significant weaknesses in the U.S. financial system that make money laundering possible. The Drug Enforcement Administration, under its Administrator, Karen Tandy, has made financial investigations a priority of the agency.

photo - Pill Stamps
Seized Pill Stamps that were used to impress designs and logos onto Ecstasy tablets marketed in cities across the U.S.

Operation Candy Box, which started with some intelligence passed on to American authorities, was initiated in the U.S. in May 2001 by DEA and FBI agents in New York City. It eventually became an operation which encompassed 16 cities in the U.S. and three in Canada.

The large number of arrests was only part of the story of Operation Candy Box. The investigation also resulted in the seizure of large quantities of drugs and organizational assets, including manufacturing labs.

Related Links
 Press Release
 Ecstasy factsheet

 Marijuana factsheet
 Other Club Drug Cases
 Other Marijuana Cases
photo - seized MDMA capsules
Seized MDMA Capsules

Operation Candy Box Statistics*
(One Day Only - March 31, 2004)

Seizures (in the U.S.):
U.S. Currency: $2,862,300
Weapons: 34
Vehicles: 35
Ecstasy Tablets: 7,000
Marijuana: 206 lbs

*As of 4/2/04, Statistics are
Subject to Change

Operation Candy Box Statistics*
(Total Throughout the Two-Year Investigation)

Seizures (in the U.S.):
U.S. Currency: $8.7 Million
Weapons: 46
Vehicles: 35
Ecstasy Tablets: 407,000
Marijuana: 1,370 lbs

*As of 4/2/04, Statistics are
Subject to Change


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Fuel Tank Concealment MDMA Tableting Lab
Fuel Tank Concealment
MDMA Tableting Lab
Seized Marijuana Pill Stamps
Seized Marijuana
Pill Stamps
Seized MDMA Tablets Seized MDMA Capsules
Seized MDMA Tablets Seized MDMA Capsules
U.S. Money Remitter  Seized U.S. Currency
U.S. Money Remitter Seized U.S. Currency
Deputy Attorney General James Comey and DEA Administrator Karen Tandy announce the culmination of Operation Candy Box  Representatives of Canadian Law Enforcement at the Press Conference Inspector Douglas Handy, Detective Chief Superintendant Dave Crane, Superintendant Mike Gaudreau, and Inspector Jeff McGuire 
Deputy Attorney General James Comey and DEA Administrator Karen Tandy announce the culmination of Operation Candy Box Representatives of Canadian Law Enforcement at the Press Conference Inspector Douglas Handy, Detective Chief Superintendant Dave Crane, Superintendant Mike Gaudreau, and Inspector Jeff McGuire
  Royal Canadian Mounted Police Chief Superintendant Raf Souccar 
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Chief Superintendant Raf Souccar 
Operation Trifecta Logo