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DEA sealNovember 2000


Six tons of chemicals were seized as part of Operation New Generation

In November 2000, the DEA Bogota Country Office, in conjunction with the Colombian National Police and the Fiscalia Nacional de la Republica (equivalent to U.S. Attorney’s Office), reported the culmination of Operation New Generation. Since November 1998, the DEA had been investigating the drug trafficking and money laundering activities of the Colombia-based Carlos Mario Castro-Arias cocaine transportation organization. Castro-Arias was a significant drug trafficker responsible for smuggling large quantities of cocaine concealed inside heavy machinery via containerized vessel from Colombia to the United States through Mexico. He also coordinated the return of drug proceeds from the United States and Mexico to Colombia. On November 1, the DEA and the Colombian National Police successfully executed 52 arrest warrants (44 in Colombia/six in New Jersey/two in New York). Additionally, over 100 search warrants were executed resulting in the seizure of approximately $2 million from five different locations in Colombia and one location in Florida. Unfortunately, Castro-Arias evaded authorities and remains a fugitive. The investigation yielded 102 arrests and seizures of $2.3 million; 2,110 kilograms of cocaine; 1,400 grams of heroin; and six tons of miscellaneous chemicals.

photo - cargo being loaded onto a truck
Traffickers used heavy machinery shipped in cargo containers to smuggle cocaine to the United States.