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DEA sealAugust 2001


In September 1999, DEA’s Special Operations Division - Latin American Section, initiated an investigation of Victor Hugo Diaz-Guillen and his efforts to recruit heroin couriers out of Guatemala to the United States. The investigation resulted in numerous arrests and seizures, as couriers made attempts to smuggle heroin to places like Albany, Los Angeles, and Sarasota.

In addition, leads from the investigation pointed authorities in the direction of cells in Colombia and New York, resulting in a major spin-off investigation in Los Angeles. This part of the operation revealed a major money laundering setup and resulted in the seizure of a substantial amount of drug proceeds.

Operation Southern Bridge was a paragon of how cooperative law enforcement can bring down a major trafficking organization.

Further investigation resulted in the takedown of an operational heroin laboratory in Medellin, Colombia, in February 2001. The seizure was made by the Colombian National Police (CNP) with intelligence provided by SOD. Four people, including two chemists, were arrested, along with the seizure of numerous precursor chemicals. Subsequently, in April 2001, the CNP and DEA’s Bogota Country Office executed the Colombian takedown of Operation Southern Bridge. A total sixteen people were arrested, including the main cell hades Julia Clemency Giraldo-Rios and Elkin Dario Del Rio-Jimenez. In addition to the arrests, agents seized $120,000, 3 weapons, and one heroin lab. As a spin-off of the takedown, DEA seized a half-million dollars in New York.

Participating Offices

Los Angeles
DEA & U.S. Customs Service
New York
Albany, NY
Newark, NJ
DEA - Bogota Country Office
Colombian National Police

This investigation demonstrated the extraordinary cooperation between the several agencies, particularly between international and domestic components. Furthremore, this investigation showed the effectiveness of an investigation that began with the arrest of a low level courier and ended with the takedown of a major international drug trafficking organization.

To date, Operation Southern Bridge has resulted in 65 arrests and the seizure of 49 kilograms of heroin, 18,000 MDMA (ecstasy) tablets, $821,500 in U.S. currency, 1 aircraft, and 3 weapons.