Combat Studies Institute
Command & General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 
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2003-2004 Presentation Schedule

1900-2025 hrs., Frontier Army Museum (except as published)




Thomas Jefferson and the Idea  Mr. Matt Nowak, Director of Natural Resources, Ft. Leavenworth 18 SEP 03
Captains Lewis and Clark COL Clay Edwards, CSI      16 OCT 03
Haunted Houses on Fort Leavenworth Mr. John Reichley, CGSC Eisenhower Auditorium, Bell Hall 29 &30 OCT 03
The Logistics Preparations of Lewis LTC Marian Vlasak, CSI 20 NOV 03
The Uniforms and Equipment Mr. Steve Allie, Frontier Museum 11 DEC 03
The Indians They Encountered LTC Bud Bowie, CSI       15 JAN 04
Fort Leavenworth Militaria Show   Frontier Conference Center, 0900-1600 7 FEB 04
The Route They Followed and How     Mr. Charles D. Collins, CSI 19 FEB 04
An Evening at the White House with the Lincolns          Max and Donna Williams    Marshall Auditorium, Bell Hall 18 MAR 04
Geographic and Scientific Equipment Mr. Bob Dorian, Independence, MO 15 APR 04
The Legacy 200 Years later Mr. Matt Nowak, Director of Natural Resources, Ft. Leavenworth 20 MAY 04

 POC COL Clay Edwards, 684-2810

**For those interested and eligible, attendance and participation in these presentations can be rewarded with a certificate of course completion for 3 credit hours of continuing education from the Command and General Staff College.  Attendance, discussion, and a paper are required.  For those seriously interested, see COL Edwards at the first presentation.

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Lewis and Clark Expedition Celebration along the Missouri River by Rick Reeves


   Contact the Combat Studies Institute   Updated:  9 Apr 2004