The mission of the USDA Forest Service is "Caring for the Land and Serving People." Northeastern Area of State and Private Forestry fulfills this mission by providing technical and financial assistance to State Foresters and their staffs, other federal agencies with land management, and public service responsibilities. Our goal is to "Help Steward America's Forests" by promoting the health, productivity, diversity and beauty of our forests. We work through partnerships and facilitate cooperation among diverse interests, on lands across all ownerships. The St. Paul Field Office of the Northeastern Area serves the Midwestern States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

Forest Health Protectionprograms help to maintain the health and long-term sustainability of our forests. Major activities include: conducting biological evaluations to measure the impact of insect and disease pests, monitoring the health of our forests, implementing eradication and suppression programs, training and educating land managers in the areas of hazard tree management and insect and disease management in forest and nurseries, reporting on the health of our forests, and producing "How To" publications on forest health problems.

Forest Resources Managementprograms emphasize ecologically-based management of forest resources. Major activities include: stewardship, urban and community forestry, rural development, natural resources and conversation education, wood utilization and marketing, nurseries and tree improvement, and watershed planning and management.

St. Paul Field Office Organizational Chart

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