St. Paul Field Office, Forest Health Protection & Forest Resources Management
SPFO Staff Directory SPFO Staff Directory A consolidated and alphabetized SPFO staff directory with their e-mail address links and telephone number listing is provided here.
Forest Health Protection (logo) Forest Health Protection programs emphasize protecting the health and long-term sustainability of our forests. Major activities include: eradication and suppression, hazard tree management, and insect and disease management and control in forests and nurseries.
Forest Resources Management (logo) Forest Resources Management programs emphasize ecologically-based management of forest resources. Major activities include stewardship, urban and community forestry, rural development, natural resources and conservation education, wood utilization and marketing, and nursery and tree improvement.

The mission of the USDA Forest Service is "Caring for the Land and Serving People". The Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry fulfills this mission by providing technical and financial assistance and information on resource management on new technologies. We work through partnerships and facilitate cooperation among diverse interests on lands across all ownerships. Our goal is to "Help Steward America's Forests". The St. Paul Field Office of the Northeastern area region serves the Midwestern States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin.

animated envelope image Mailing address - St. Paul Field Office:

Northeastern Area, S&PF
USDA Forest Service
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
Telephone: (651) 649-5243
FAX: (651) 649-5238
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