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Railroad Retirement Board Logo
UB-10, Unemployment Benefits for Railroad Employees:
Taxability of Unemployment Benefits
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Qualification Requirements

Amount and Duration of Benefits


Benefit Reductions


Special Rules for Train and Engine Service and Passenger Service

Reconsideration and Waiver

Taxability of Unemployment Benefits

Job Placement Service

Instructions for Completing Application for Unemployment Benefits and Employment Service (Form UI-1)

Instructions for Completing Claim for Unemployment Benefits (Form UI-3)


Unemployment benefits paid under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA) are considered income for Federal income tax purposes.  Each year, the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) sends railroad employees Form 1099-G showing the total amount of unemployment benefits paid during the preceding calendar year. You must report that amount on your Federal income tax return.

You may file Form W-4v with the nearest RRB office if you want the RRB to withhold Federal income tax from your benefits. To end withholding you must file another Form W-4v with the RRB.  Form W-4v is available upon request from the Internal Revenue Service. The RUIA specifically exempts railroad unemployment benefits from State income taxes.
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