Research and education in science and engineering benefit immensely from
international cooperation. NSF enables and encourages U.S. scientists,
engineers, and their institutions to avail themselves of opportunities to
enhance their research and education programs through international
cooperation. NSF also provides opportunities for future generations of
U.S. scientists and engineers to gain the experience and outlook they will
need to function productively in an international research and education
International Dimensions of NSF Research and Education,
which documents highlights of accomplishments from NSF international activities, is now available.
The NSF supports international research and education through a variety of
programs that include:
- Fellowships
- Travel grants
- Summer Institutes
- Workshops
- Research and education projects
- Antarctic projects
New Funding Opportunities in International Programs
Science of Learning Centers (SLC) - nsf05509
(Posted: Oct 15 2004)
Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE) - nsf04043
(Posted: Aug 12 2004)
Materials World Network: Cooperative Activity in Materials Research between US Investigators and their Counterparts Abroad - nsf04599
(Posted: Jul 13 2004)
International Planning Visits and Workshops - nsf04035
(Posted: Jun 17 2004)
Current International News
NSF News related to International Programs...