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Sherman Kent and the Board of National Estimates
Collected Essays
Sherman Kent
Table of Contents
Sherman Kent
A Tribute to Sherman Kent
The Theory of Intelligence
The Need for an Intelligence Literature
Estimates and Influence
The Law and Custom of the National Intelligence Estimate
I. The Institutional Framework
II. The Making of an NIE
Appendix A.
Glossary of Abbreviations
Appendix B.
CIA Organization and Functions
The Office of National Estimates
Appendix C.
Membership of the Board of National Estimates
The Praxis of Intelligence
Words of Estimative Probability
The First Year of the Office of National Estimates:
The Directorship of William L. Langer
The Summit Conference of 1960: An Intelligence Officer's View
A Crucial Estimate Relived
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962: Presenting the Photographic Evidence Abroad
Glossary of Abbreviations
Publications Page
CSI Homepage