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FORT > Staff Directory > Adrian Farmer

Adrian Farmer

Supervisory Wildlife Biologist

Species & Habitats of Federal Interest

Fort Collins Science Center

Phone: 970.226.9410



Current Research:

Research Program Development and Technical Assistance

Shorebird management on National Wildlife Refuges

Technical assistance on Habitat Assessment and Habitat Modeling

HSI model development for Hill AFB, Utah

Evaluation of Whooping Crane Habitat Models, Data, and Procedures used for Management of the Platte River, Nebraska

Effects of global climate change on shorebird migration

Using stable isotopes and trace elements to link seasonal habitats of neotropical migratory shorebirds



Records 1 - 5 of 21
View All Publications: Adrian Farmer

Farmer, A., R. Rye, G. Landis, C. Bern, C. Kester, and I. Ridley. 2003. Tracing the pathways of neotropical migratory shorebirds using stable isotopes: a pilot study. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39: 169-177.

Farmer, A.H., B.S. Cade, and D.F. Stauffer. 2002. Evaluation of a habitat suitability index model. In: Kurta, A., and J. Kennedy, (eds.). Proceedings of The Indiana Bat: Biology and management of an endangered species. Austin, TX: Bat Conservation International. p. 172-179.

Farmer, A.H., and J.A. Wiens. 1999. Models and reality: time-energy trade-offs in pectoral sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) migration. Ecology 80: 2566-2580.

Publication Online

Farmer, A.H., and J.A. Wiens. 1998. Optimal migration schedules depend on the landscape and the physical environment: a dynamic modeling view. Journal of Avian Biology 29: 405-415.

Farmer, A.H., and A.H. Parent. 1997. Effects of the landscape on shorebird movements at spring migration stopovers. Condor 99: 698-707.

Publication Online


Records 1 - 2 of 2
View All Software: Adrian Farmer

 Habitat Evaluation Procedures

 Habitat Suitability Index


Also at FORT:

Linking Migratory Shorebird Habitats

Exploring the Impacts of Global Climate Change on Migrating Pectoral Sandpipers


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