Office of International Science and Engineering (SBE/OISE)
Phone: (703) 292-8710 | Fax: (703) 292-9067 | Room: 935N
Administrative Management
Phone: (703) 292-8708
Africa, Near East & South Asia Program
Phone: (703) 292-8707
- India, Nepal and Israel
- North Africa, Near East, South Asia (except India and Nepal), U.S.-Egypt Joint Science/Technology Program
- Subsaharan Africa
Americas Program
Phone: (703) 292-8706
- Canada, Mexico, Central America Regional Initiatives
- Argentina, Chile
- Caribbean Region, Brazil and other Countries in South America, (except Argentina, Chile)
Central and Eastern Europe Program
Phone: (703) 292-8703
- Bulgaria, Poland, Newly Independent States
- Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, NATO
- General Region
East Asia and Pacific Program
Phone: (703) 292-8704
- American Workforce and Research and Education (AWARE)
- East Asia Summer Institutes
- Australia, New Zealand, Western Pacific Islands, Korea
- Japan
- China, Taiwan, Mongolia, and Southeast Asia
NSF Europe Office
Phone: 9-011-33-14-312-2108 (Paris, France)
NSF Tokyo Office
Phone: 9-011-81-3-3224-5505
Office of Trans-Regional Affairs
Phone: (703) 292-8711
- International Research Fellowship Program
Western Europe Program
Phone: (703) 292-8702
- Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, European Union, European Science Foundation
- Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, Norway
- France, INRIA, Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland