For Immediate Release:
October 12, 2004
CONTACT:  Joe Brenckle
(202) 225-6572

LoBiondo Announces Project Cooperation Agreement on Brigantine Island Beachfill Project
Brigantine Island Beachfill Project to Begin Construction Next Fall

BRIGANTINE, N.J. – Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ-2) today announced that the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) has been signed for the Brigantine Island beachfill, and that the project will begin construction next fall. Rep. LoBiondo was joined by Brigantine Mayor Philip J. Guenther, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Brad Campbell, Atlantic County Assemblymen Frank Blee and Kirk Conover, and Lt. Col. Robert Ruch, Commander of the Philadelphia District for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

"I have been proud to play a role in securing more than $2 million for this project," said Rep. LoBiondo. "It is my hope that this undertaking will not only provide essential protection for Brigantine Island from the powerful storms that swing through the area, but also a boost to the local economy."

The purpose of the Brigantine Island beachfill project is to address hurricane and storm related erosion along the northern third of the city. Because of its northeast-facing frontage, Brigantine’s ocean front has historically been one of the hardest hit of all the New Jersey barrier islands during coastal storms. The northern third of the city’s beach is severely eroded in many places. The Brigantine Island beachfill project will protect the city from these powerful storms by reconstituting the dune line and the beach with 500,000 cubic yards of sand. The PCA announced today, between the State of New Jersey and the Army Corps of Engineers, will allow the project to begin in September of 2005.

"Thanks to the leadership of Congressman Frank LoBiondo, and Governor McGreevey's commitment to shore protection, Brigantine Island communities will have the resources to restore and to safeguard the integrity of the dunes and beaches along the coast," said Commissioner Campbell. "The project announced today will provide coastal flood protection and guard homes, businesses and infrastructure from the destruction caused by the many coastal storms experienced here. Replenishment projects are an essential component of New Jersey’s beach protection efforts, and are a prime example of what can be accomplished when federal, state and local governments work together as partners, sharing resources and expertise."

Brigantine Mayor Philip J. Guenther said the project was good news for the Brigantine Community. "This beach replenishment project is essential to ensure that the entire north end of Brigantine is protected from coastal storm damage and flooding," said Mayor Guenther. "The quality of Brigantine’s beaches will be significantly enhanced in order to better support recreational activities and promote tourism."

Lt. Col. Robert Ruch, Commander of the Philadelphia District for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers noted the strong cooperation on the project between local, state and federal officials. "This project could not have come this far without the strong and steady partnership of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, as well as the tireless support of Congressman LoBiondo," said Lt.Col.Ruch. "We look forward to building a better beach that will help shield this community from storms in the years to come."

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