For Immediate Release:
October 13, 2004
CONTACT:  Joe Brenckle
(202) 225-6572

House Passes 2005 Defense Authorization Bill
Measure Will Increase Troop Strength and Improve Benefits for Military

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Armed Services Committee member Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ-2) announced the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (H.R. 4200) was approved on Saturday. The $447.2 billion legislation was agreed to earlier by House and Senate Conferees, and sets policies, programs and funding levels for the nation's military. The measure was also approved by the Senate, and is expected to go to the President’s desk for his signature.

"Protecting our troops on the battlefield while supporting their needs at home is our highest priority," said Rep. LoBiondo. "Programs and activities that directly enhance the combat and force protection capabilities of our soldiers are vital to helping the members of our military as they fight the Global War on Terror. The bill ensures that we protect our troops on the battlefield with improved surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities and the latest infantry equipment. The measure supports them at home by providing a 3.5% across-the-board pay raise, special pays and bonuses, and improved housing."

The bill also included a provision designed to improve security on military bases in New Jersey and across the nation. The program called "Best Value Contracting" will ensure that bases contract with those best suited to do the job, rather than letting the work just go to the lowest contractor bid. Congressman LoBiondo began working on this issue in 2003 with fellow House Armed Services Committee member Jim Saxton (NJ-3), and Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-4). LoBiondo’s efforts were spurred by security breaches at McGuire Air Force Base, NJ and over ten other similar incidents at military bases around the nation.

Additional highlights of the bill report include:

· $25 billion to support the Global War on Terror’s operational costs, personnel expenses and procurement of new equipment.

· Army and Marines end strength increases.

· Enhanced TRICARE benefits for reservists and family members.

· Eliminating the reduction in Survivor Benefit Plan annuities.

· Concurrent Receipt phase-in improvements.

· Military housing privatization initiative fix (allows for continuation of the program to revitalize military housing).

· Rapid acquisition and armor initiatives to protect our troops.

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