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AFPC Homepage   

Location/Mailing Address
550 C Street West Suite 48
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4750
Customer Service Hours
  • Customer Service Hours:  7:30 am - 4:30pm (Central Standard Time)
  • Days of Operation:  Monday-Friday (Except Federal Holidays.


Contact Information
  • Commercial:  (210) 565-2751

  • Miltary to Miltary:  DSN 665-2751


Submit Request Electronically:
Click on the submit button below and fill in the requested information.
Fee Waivers
  •  Factor 1--Subject of the Request. The subject matter will significantly contribute to the public understanding of DoD operations or activities.
  • Factor 2--Informative Value. Closely analyze a record's substantive contents to determine whether disclosure is meaningful, and will inform the public on government activities.
  • Factor 3--General Public Will Understand the Subject Better.
Response Time
You can expect a response to your FOIA request within 20 working days from the date the proper FOIA office receives it. If special situations exist, the FOIA office will contact you with an estimated completion date and explain the reason for delay. The Air Force works requests on a first-in, first-out basis.
FOIA Exemptions
The FOIA provides access to federal agency records (or parts of those records) except those protected from release by nine specific exemptions.

(1) Classified
(2) Internal personnel rules and practices
(3) Exempt by other statute
(4) Commercial information that would cause competitive harm
(5) Pre-decisional, deliberative information
(6) Invasion of personal privacy
(7) Compiled for law enforcement purposes
(8) Records concerning the regulation or supervision of financial institutions
(9) Geological and geophysical information and data concerning wells

You have the right to appeal all denial decisions within 60 calendar days of notification of denial.  Send appeals to the Secretary of the Air Force through the office that initially denied you the information.
FOIA Reading Room Links



Air Force Personnel Center | Randolph AFB, TX 78150