Produced by the Technology Transfer Information Center of the National Agricultural Library (ARS/USDA). Updated April 5, 2004.

Technology Transfer
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Technology Transfer?

How can I do business with the Federal Laboratories?

What is a CRADA?

How can I license technologies developed by the federal government?

What funding sources are available for technology development or commercialization?

How do I contact the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office?

How do I get a copy of a U.S. patent - non-US patent?

Where can I find out about intellectual property issues?

What federal laboratories have technology transfer offices on the Internet?

Are there any university courses on technology transfer?

What organizations are concerned with Technology Transfer?

What technology transfer resources are on the Internet?

Where can I discuss technology transfer issues on the Internet?

What kinds of technologies are industries looking for?

Where can I find new developments in U.S. science and technology policy?

What Legislation covers Federal Technology transfer activites?

How do other countries transfer technology ?

Canada | Europe | Other Regions

How is the value or effectiveness of technology transfer measured?

This FAQ, produced by the Technology Transfer Information Center of the National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA, attempts to briefly answer some of the most frequently asked questions about technology transfer. The answers include bibliographic citations to research, referrals to individuals or groups, and links to other relevant Home Pages.

This FAQ is updated frequently, so check back often to see what is new! If you have suggestions or questions, please contact TTIC by email, phone: (301) 504-6875 or fax: (301) 504-7098.

Compilation and publication of the resources listed here do not imply endorsement by the
National Agricultural Library or the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Last updated: May 21, 1999