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Guide to Information Resources

HHS Information On-Line
The Freedom of Information Act and How to Request Information
HHS and Operating Divisions' Freedom of Information Officers
HHS: Operating Divisions, Programs, Publications
Public Use Data Files
HHS Clearinghouses

Department of Health and Human Services
Office of the Secretary
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

On-Line Information

Much information is now available on World Wide Web (Web) sites via the Internet. The HHS Office of the Secretary's Home Page is located at: www.hhs.gov and from here you can access and search electronically-available HHS information; you may also go directly to an Operating Division's (OPDIV's) home page. Other HHS program services telephone numbers and Web site locations are listed in the HHS Information and Hotline Directory located at www.hhs.gov/about/referlst.html. An additional on-line resource available is the HHS Government Information Locator Service (GILS). See www.hhs.gov/oirm/newhhsgils.htm.

How to Request Information

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the HHS Freedom of Information Regulations (45 CFR Part 5), the HHS policy is to answer all requests as accurately and completely as possible from existing records. In order to accomplish this most efficiently we require all requests to be submitted in writing, by postal service, facsimile, or messenger; requests must contain the requestor's postal address and the name of the person responsible for paying any fees that may be charged. A phone number where we can reach the requester to get clarification of the request or resolve other issues concerning the request, is strongly recommended. Providing the request in writing assures that all the rights provided by the FOIA and these regulations are protected (for example, the right to administratively appeal any denials we may make and the right to have our decisions reviewed in Federal court). A copy of the current HHS Freedom Of Information Regulations and available HHS FOIA annual reports can be obtained from the HHS Freedom Of Information Office (see addresses below).

If you are unable to locate the information you seek online or to obtain it from one of the resources listed elsewhere in this guide, please address your request to the Freedom Of Information Officer of the HHS OPDIV that is most likely to have the records you want. If you cannot make this determination, send the request to: HHS Freedom of Information Officer, Room 645-F, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201. Write the words "Freedom of Information Act Request" on the envelope and on the letter.

Your letter should include all the details possible in order to help us identify and locate the records you want. In addition to having the potential to be very costly in terms of fees, "all the records you have on . . . ." types of requests tend to require a great deal of search time, even if few or no records are found on the subject you are interested in. If you are not sure how to write your request or what details to include, contact a Freedom of Information Officer.

Only Freedom of Information Officers have the authority to release or deny records, or to waive or reduce fees. If the records you seek include records addressed to, sent from, or created by an official or office of the Office of the Secretary, including its staff offices, or of any Regional Director's Office; or if the records you seek include any records of the Administration for Children and Families, including its regional offices; or any unit of the HHS not specifically identified below; or if the records you seek involve the Office of the Secretary and any of the organizational units listed below; or if you seek records which cross HHS organizational lines, other than those involving more than one of the Public Health and Science (PHS) components (see asterisks below), only the HHS Freedom of Information Officer may determine whether to release or deny those records, or to waive or reduce fees associated with responding to your request.

If the records you seek are exclusively records of the Office of Public Health and Science or involve more than one of the Department's Public Health and Science components, including records in the regional offices, only the PHS Freedom of Information Officer may determine whether to release or deny those records or waive or reduce fees associated with responding to your FOIA request.

HHS and OPDIV Freedom of Information Officers

Freedom of Information Officer
Room 645-F, Hubert H. Humphrey Building,
Independence Avenue, S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20201
Phone: 202-690-7453

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Freedom of Information Officer
Suite 501
2101 East Jefferson Street
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: 301-594-6391

Administration on Aging (AOA)
Freedom of Information Officer
Washington, D.C. 20201
Phone: 202-357-3540

* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and/or
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Freedom of Information Officer
1600 Clifton Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: 404-639-7270

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration)
Freedom of Information Officer
North Building, Room N2-20-06
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
Phone: 410-786-5353

* Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Freedom of Information Officer
Room 12-A-16, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 301-827-6567

* Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Freedom of Information Officer
Room 14-45, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 301-443-2865

* Indian Health Service (IHS)
Freedom of Information Officer
Suite 450
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: 301-443-1116

* National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Freedom of Information Officer
Room 5B35, Building 31
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Phone: 301-496-5633

* Office of Public Health and Science (OPHS)
Freedom of Information Officer
Room 17-A-46 Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 301-443-5252

Program Support Center (PSC)
Freedom of Information Officer
Room 17-A-18, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 301-443-1494

* Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Freedom of Information Officer
Room 13-C-05, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 301-443-3814

HHS: Operating Divisions, Programs, Publications, and Clearinghouses

Each of the 12 HHS Operating Divisions has its own contact for its publications. Submit your request for information directly to the appropriate office. Further detail on the Department of Health and Human Services is available in the current United States Government Manual, available on-line. See the "Government Manual" database on the Web: www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aaces002.html.

Office of the Secretary (OS) -- www.hhs.gov -- 202-690-6343

The Secretary of Health and Human Services advises the President on health, welfare, and income security plans, policies, and programs of the Federal Government. The Secretary directs Department staff in carrying out the approved programs and activities of the Department and promotes general public understanding of the Department's goals, programs, and objectives. The Secretary administers these functions through the Office of the Secretary and the 12 operating divisions.

Inspector General Hotline: Individuals wishing to report fraud, waste, or abuse against HHS programs should write to: Office of Inspector General, HHS-TIPS Hotline, P.O. Box 23489, L'Enfant Plaza Station, Washington, DC 20026-3489, or E-mail at htips@os.dhhs.gov.

  • Phone (toll-free): 800-HHS-TIPS (800-447-8477) or 800-377-4950 (TTY)
  • Facsimile (FAX): 800-223-8164

Administration on Aging (AoA) -- www.aoa.gov -- 202-401-4634

Administers a program of formula grants to States to establish State and community programs for older persons and administers a program of grants to American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians to establish programs for older Native Americans.

Publications -- AOA: Copies of publications are available free of charge by contacting the Office of the Executive Secretariat, 202-619-0724. For information on services available to elderly persons in any community in the Nation, call the Elder Care Locator, 800-677-1116.

Administration for Children and Families (ACF) -- www.acf.dhhs.gov -- 202-401-9200

Headed by the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families who also serves as the Director of Child Support Enforcement. 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, DC 20447.

Mental Retardation: Call or write the President's Committee on Mental Retardation, ACF, for information on HHS mental retardation programs. 202-619-0634.

  • Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF): Administers State grant programs to assist States in providing independent living, child welfare services, foster care, and adoption assistance; child care programs; and State grant programs to improve and increase child abuse prevention and treatment activities and develop family preservation and family support services. Administers the Head Start Program; services for runaway and homeless youth and their families; the Youth Gang Drug Prevention Program; child welfare services research, demonstration and training programs, the Adoption Opportunities Program, and other discretionary child welfare services programs; child abuse and neglect research and demonstration programs; and the Community Schools Youth Services and Supervision Grant Program. 202-205-8347 or 202-401-2337.
  • Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD): 202-690-6590
  • Administration for Native Americans (ANA): Promotes the goal of social and economic self-sufficiency of American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Native American Pacific Islanders, including Natives of Samoa, Guam, Palau, and the Northern Marianas. 202-690-7776.
  • Child Support Enforcement (CSE): The Office assists States in establishing adequate reporting procedures and in maintaining records. It operates the Federal Parent Locator Service, including the National New Hire Directory; certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury amounts of overdue child support that require collection in specific instances; works with States to automate their child support enforcement programs; and reviews State applications for use of U.S. courts to enforce child support orders. 202-401-9373.
  • Community Services: Responsible for administering programs that serve low-income and needy. Administers the Community Services Block Grant, Social Services Block Grant, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program. Develops new and innovative approaches to reduce welfare dependency. 202-401-9333.
  • Refugee Resettlement: Policies/programs refugee resettlement, immigration, and repatriation. 202-401-9246.
  • Office of Family Assistance: Public assistance and economic self-sufficiency programs. Administers the following programs nationwide: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled in Guam, Puerto Rico, and The Virgin Islands; the Emergency Assistance Program.

Publications -- ACF: Contact the Office of Public Affairs, 7th Floor, Aerospace Building, 370 L'Enfant Promenade S.W., Washington, DC 20744. 202-401-9215.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) -- www.ahrq.gov -- 301-594-1364

The Federal Government's focal point for health services research and the only Federal agency charged with producing and disseminating scientific and policy-relevant information about the quality, medical effectiveness, and cost of health care.

AHRQ supports and conducts research and evaluation projects in the areas of consumer choice; clinical improvement; health care cost, financing, and access; health information technology; outcomes and effectiveness of health care; health care organization and delivery; quality measurement and improvement; and technology assessment.

Publications -- AHRQ: Single copies of most publications produced by the Agency are available free of charge from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 8547, Silver Spring, MD 20907. Phone: (toll-free) 800-358-9295.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) -- www.atsdr.cdc.gov -- 404-639-0501

The Agency's mission is to prevent exposure and adverse human health effects and diminished quality of life associated with exposure to hazardous substances from waste sites, unplanned releases, and other sources of pollution present in the environment.

For further information, contact the Office of Policy and External Affairs, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1300 Clifton Road NE., MS E-60, Atlanta, GA 30333. Fax: 404-639-0522.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -- www.cdc.gov -- 404-639-3286

The Center is the Federal agency charged with protecting the public health of the Nation by providing leadership and direction in the prevention and control of diseases and other preventable conditions and responding to public health emergencies. CDC administers national programs for the prevention and control of communicable and vector-borne diseases, injury, and other preventable conditions. It develops and implements programs in chronic disease prevention and control, including consultation with State and local health departments. It develops and implements programs to deal with environmental health problems, including responding to environmental, chemical, and radiation emergencies. CDC directs and enforces foreign quarantine activities and regulations; provides consultation and assistance in upgrading the performance of public health and clinical laboratories; and organizes and implements a National Health Promotion Program, including a nationwide program of research, information, and education in the field of smoking and health. It also collects, maintains, analyzes, and disseminates national data on health status and health services. CDC participates with international agencies and provides consultation in the control or eradication of communicable or preventable diseases.

It is composed of 11 major operating components: Epidemiology Program Office, International Health Program Office, National Immunization Program Office, Public Health Practice Program Office, National Center for Prevention Services, National Center for Environmental Health, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, National Center for Infectious Diseases, and the National Center for Health Statistics.

Publications -- CDC:

  • Single copies of most publications are available free of charge from the Management Analysis and Services Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Phone, 404-639-3534.
  • Bulk quantities of publications may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)(formerly HCFA) -- cms.hhs.gov -- 410-786-3151

Provides under one administration the oversight of the Medicare program, the Federal portion of the Medicaid program, and related quality assurance activities. CMS serves millions of elderly, disabled, and poor Americans.

Publications -- CMS: Contact the Distribution Management Branch, Division of Printing and Distribution Services. Phone, 410-786-7892. For the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), "Information on Availability of Medicare/Medicaid Manuals" (CMS-Pub 02192), contact CMS at 410-786-7860, Office of Administrative Services.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- www.fda.gov -- 301-443-1544

Protects the health of the Nation against impure and unsafe foods, drugs and cosmetics, and other potential hazards. Works to develop an AIDS vaccine and AIDS diagnostic tests, and conducts other AIDS-related activities; develops and administers programs with regard to the safety, effectiveness, and labeling of all drug products and all medical devices for human use; develops and administers programs with regard to the safety, composition, quality (including nutrition) , and labeling of foods, food additives, colors, and cosmetics; develops and administers programs with regard to the safety and effectiveness of animal drugs, feeds, feed additives, veterinary medical devices (medical devices for animal use), and other veterinary medical products.

  • Regional field offices: 301-827-3101
  • the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research: 301-594-6740
  • the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research: 301-827-0372
  • the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition: 202-205-4057
  • the Center for Veterinary Medicine: 301-594-1755
  • the Center for Devices and Radiological Health: 301-443-4690
  • the National Center for Toxicological Research: 501-543-7000

Publications -- FDA: FDA Consumer, FDA's official magazine, is available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Phone, 202-512-1800.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) -- www.hrsa.gov -- 301-443-2086

The principal primary health care service agency of the Federal Government. Its mission is to make essential primary health care services accessible to the poor, uninsured, and geographically isolated -- populations severely under served by the private health care system. HRSA programs bolster training for primary care physicians, physician assistants, and advanced practice nurses; place qualified primary care providers in communities certified to be health professional shortage areas through the National Health Service Corps; assist health providers that serve the underserved in keeping pace with changes in health care, including managed care; track the adequacy of the supply and preparation of primary care providers and record the malpractice and disciplinary actions taken against physicians and dentists through the National Practitioner Databank.

  • Bureau of Primary Health Care: 301-594-4148
  • Bureau of Health Professions: 301-443-1590
  • HIV/AIDS Bureau 301-443-0791
  • Maternal and Child Health Bureau: 301-443-0205

Publications -- HRSA:

Single copies of most publications are available free of charge from the HRSA Information Center by calling 1-888-Ask-HRSA (1-888-275-4772) or through the Information Center web site at www.ask.hrsa.gov. Additional information may be obtained from the HRSA Office of Communications, Room 14-45, Parklawn Bldg. (301) 443-5630.

Indian Health Service (IHS) -- www.ihs.gov -- 301-443-3593

The Service provides a comprehensive health services delivery system for American Indians and Alaska Natives, with opportunity for maximum tribal involvement, in developing and managing programs to meet their health needs. Assists Indian tribes in developing their health programs; facilitates and assists Indian tribes in coordinating health planning, in obtaining and utilizing health resources available through Federal, State, and local programs, in operating comprehensive health programs, and in health program evaluation.

Publications -- IHS: Single copies of publications describing the Indian Health Service and the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives are available free of charge from the Communications Office, Room 6-35. Phone, 301-443-3593.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) -- www.nih.gov -- 301-496-4000

The principal biomedical research agency of the Federal Government tasked to employ science in the pursuit of knowledge to improve human health conditions. It supports biomedical and behavioral research domestically and abroad, conducts research in its own laboratories and clinics, trains promising young researchers, and promotes acquiring and distributing medical knowledge.

  • National Cancer Institute (301-496-5585): Developed a National Cancer Program to expand existing scientific knowledge on cancer cause and prevention as well as on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Sponsors extensive programs to disseminate cancer information and supports the Cancer Information Service at 1-800-422-6237.
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (301-496-2411): conducts research in its laboratories and supports scientific institutions and individuals by research grants and contracts. Leads a national program in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood; sleep disorders; and blood resources.
  • National Library of Medicine (301-496-6308): serves as Nation's chief medical information source and is authorized to provide medical library services and on-line bibliographic searching capabilities, such as MEDLINE, TOXLINE. Sponsors and conducts research and development in biomedical communications (e.g., telemedicine, expert systems, and advanced medical imaging).
  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (301-496-3583): causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes, endocrine, and metabolic diseases; digestive diseases and nutrition; kidney and urologic diseases; and blood diseases.
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (301-496-5717): Conducts research, training, and clinical evaluations on the cause, treatment, and prevention of a wide variety of infectious, allergic, and immunologic diseases. Among areas of special emphasis are: AIDS, asthma and allergic diseases, immunologic diseases, transplantation, sexually transmitted diseases, enteric diseases such as hepatitis, influenza, and other viral respiratory infections, tropical diseases, tuberculosis, and vaccine development.
  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (301-496-5133): Conducts biomedical and behavioral research on child and maternal health; on problems of human development, with special reference to mental retardation; and on family structure, the dynamics of human population, and the reproductive process. Specific areas of research include: pediatric and maternal AIDS, genetic diseases, short stature, premature puberty, infertility, minority health, learning disabilities such as dyslexia, sexually transmitted diseases, and the causes of infant morbidity and mortality, including low birth weight, premature birth, and sudden infant death syndrome.
  • National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (301-496-7243): Conducts biomedical and behavioral research and research training on normal mechanisms as well as diseases and disorders of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, and language.
  • National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (301-496-6621): Conducts research, causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of craniofacial, dental and oral diseases with special emphasis on oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal cancers.
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (919-541-3211): Conducts research on how the environment interacts with genetic factors to cause disease and dysfunction with emphasis is on disease prevention through identification and assessment of risks.
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences (301-496-7301): emphasizes basic biomedical science, with activities ranging from cell biology, chemistry, and biophysics, to genetics, pharmacology, and systemic response to trauma.
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (301-496-5751): research on human neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, head and spinal cord injuries, and stroke. The Institute also conducts and supports research on the development and function of the normal brain and nervous system.
  • National Eye Institute (301-496-4583): causes, natural history, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disordersof the eye and visual system, and in related fields.
  • National Institute on Aging (301-496-1752): to increase knowledge of the aging process and the physical, psychological, and social factors associated with aging. Alzheimer's disease, health and retirement, menopause, and frailty are among the areas of special concern.
  • National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (301-443-3885). Prevention and treatment research, strategies, and information.
  • National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (301-496-4353).
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (301-443-6480): addiction, prevention, treatment, and policy.
  • National Institute of Mental Health (301-443-3673): Conducts research in neuroscience, genetics, molecular biology, and behavior to prevent and expand treatments available for mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depressive disorders, severe anxiety, childhood mental disorders including autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD).
  • National Human Genome Research Institute (301-496-0844): Conducts research including chromosome mapping, DNA sequencing, database development, and technology development for genome research. Studys ethical, legal, and social implications.
  • National Institute of Nursing Research (301-496-0207): research and training, to build a scientific base for nursing practice and patient care.
  • Clinical Center (301-496-3227): clinical studies of specific diseases and disorders. A percentage of the patients are normal volunteers -- healthy persons who provide an index of normal body functions against which to measure the abnormal.
  • Fogarty International Center (301-496-2075): international scientific cooperation. In pursuit of its mission, the Center fosters biomedical research partnership between U.S. scientists and foreign counterparts through grants, fellowships, and international agreements, and provides leadership in international science policy and research strategies.
  • Center forInformation Technology (301-496-6203): supports Institute biomedical research programs.
  • National Center for Research Resources (301-496-5605): oversees a centralized program of intramural research resources through the planning, performance, and reporting of research projects.
  • Center for Scientific Review (301-435-1111): Central point for all Public Health Service (PHS) competing grant applications for research and research training support. Provides scientific and technical merit review.

Publications -- NIH:

  • Publications, brochures, and reports on health and disease problems, medical research, and biomedical communications are available from the Division of Public Information, Office of Communications, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892. Phone, 301-496-4461. Contact this office for single copies of the following publications: Journal of National Cancer Institute; Environmental Health Perspectives; Scientific Directory and Annual Bibliography; NLM -- Medline (brochure).
  • NIH Publications List, Index Medicus, Cumulated Index Medicus Annual, and Research Grants Index may be ordered from the Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Internet: www.nih.gov.

Program Support Center (PSC) -- www.psc.gov -- 301-443-1494

Administrative support services to the HHS components and other Federal agencies. For further information, contact the Director of Marketing, Program Support Center, Department of Health and Human Services, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.

PSC is comprised of:

  • Administrative Operations Service: 301-443-2516.
  • Financial Management Service: 301-443-1478.
  • Human Resources Service: 301-443-1200.
  • Information Technology Service: 301-443-9343.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) -- www.samhsa.gov -- 301-443-4795

Provides national leadership to ensure that knowledge, based on science and state-of-the-art practice, is effectively used for the prevention and treatment of addictive and mental disorders. It strives to improve access and reduce barriers to high-quality, effective programs and services for individuals who suffer from or are at risk for these disorders, as well as for their families and communities.

SAMHSA is comprised of:

  • Center for Substance Abuse Prevention: 301-443-0365
  • Center for Substance Abuse Treatment: 301-443-5700
  • Center for Mental Health Services: 301-443-0001

Publications -- SAMHSA: SAMHSA collects and compiles alcohol and drug abuse prevention literature and other materials, and supports the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information and the Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource Network to disseminate such materials among States, political subdivisions, educational agencies and institutions, health and drug treatment and rehabilitation networks, and the general public. It also supports a clearinghouse to serve as a focal point for information dissemination to meet the mental health service needs of professionals. Contact the Associate Administrator for Communications (301-443-8956) or write to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.

Public Use Data Files

Public use data files are available at the HHS Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) via HCFA's World Wide Web site at: cms.hhs.gov/stats/pufiles.htm

or you can contact HCFA directly to request a catalog at:

HCFA Public Use Files
7500 Security Boulevard, N3-14-11
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

Other accessible data can be found in the HHS Data Directory located under "Products" on the HHS Office of the Secretary's Web site: aspe.hhs.gov/datacncl/


Several HHS clearinghouses are listed below. For other sources of health and human services information, see www.healthfinder.gov accessible from the HHS Web site www.hhs.gov.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Publications Clearinghouse


Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center


Head Start Publications Management Center


Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Information Center


Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Clearinghouse


National Adoption Information Clearinghouse


National Aging Information Center


National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse


National AIDS Clearinghouse


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clearinghouse


National Child Care Information Center


National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information


National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information


National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth


National Clearinghouse for Primary Care Information


National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse


National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse


National Health Information Center


National Institute on Deafness and Other Commmunication Disorders Information Clearinghouse


National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse


National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse


National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network


National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse


National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Resource Center


National Women's Health Information Center


Office of Minority Health Resource Center


Office of Population Affairs Clearinghouse


Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center


Weight-Control Information Network


Last revised: May 10, 2004

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