Chapter 5
Prevention and Intervention
Shootings and deaths in schools throughout the United States have left parents
believing that their communities are no longer safe from the most extreme examples of
youth violence (Gallup, 1999). This perception, combined with the increased lethality of
youth violence in the early 1990s, has lent urgency to the search for effective violence
prevention efforts. Hundreds of youth violence prevention programs are being used in
schools and communities throughout the country, yet little is known about the actual
effects of many of them (Gottfredson et al., 2000; Tolan & Guerra, 1994). Few such
programs have been rigorously evaluated, including many ongoing efforts (Elliott, 1998).
The evaluations that have been done indicate that much of the money America spends on
youth violence prevention is spent on ineffectivesometimes even
harmfulprograms and policies (Mendel, 2000).
At the same time, researchers know much more today about how to prevent youth violence
than they did two decades ago, when some declared that "nothing works" to
prevent violence (Lipton et al., 1975; Sechrest et al., 1979). This is clearly no longer
the case. Over the past few decades, social scientists have made great strides in
uncovering the causes and correlates of youth violence.
Unfortunately, the news about effective programs has been slow to bring about change in
school, community, and juvenile justice system prevention efforts, where precious
resources continue to be spent on ineffective programs. Some experts believe that youth
crime and violence rates could be "substantially" reduced simply by reallocating
the money now spent on ineffective policies and programs to those that do work (Mendel,
2000, p. 1).
The strategy of using prevention resources to their fullest potential presents many
challenges. The first lies in identifying effective prevention approaches and programs.
Differentiating between effective and ineffective ones can be a difficult chore for
schools, communities, and juvenile justice authorities. Numerous agencies and
organizations have published recommendations on "what works" in youth violence
prevention, but in many cases there is little consistency regarding the specific programs
they recommend. The reason for this inconsistency is a lack of uniformly applied
scientific standards for what works.
This chapter identifies a set of standards based on scientific consensus and applies
those standards to the literature on youth violence prevention in order to identify with
confidence general strategies and programs that work, that are promising, or that do not
work to prevent youth violence. This information can be used by schools, communities,
juvenile justice agencies, program funders, and others interested in youth violence
prevention to aid their programming decisions. With this information in hand, it may be
possible to fulfill the prediction that better use of existing prevention resources can
substantially reduce the problem of youth violence.
The first section of this chapter describes the methods used in this report to identify
best practices in youth violence prevention. The second describes currently accepted
scientific standards for determining program effectiveness. The third section applies
those standards to the existing youth violence prevention literature and presents findings
on best practiceswhat works, what is promising, and what does not work. The
information in that section is based on currently available research and is not intended
to be the final word on the subject. As more programs are evaluated, the standards
outlined in this report can be used to identify additional programs and strategies that
work in preventing youth violence.
The fourth section, on cost-effectiveness, is intended to enhance the information
provided in the best practices section by adding another dimension to the determination of
what works. The conclusion discusses the need to take the next step in preventing youth
violence by learning how to preserve the benefits of successful prevention programs when
implementing them on a national scale.
Identifying the best practices for preventing youth violence involves two approaches,
each with its own limitations. The first is meta-analysis, a rigorous statistical method
of combining the results of several studies to obtain more reliable estimates of the
effects of a general type of treatment or intervention. This quantitative approach can be
used to summarize program evaluation evidence and draw overall conclusions about the
strength and consistency of the influence, or effect size, that particular types of
programs have on violent behavior. In the field of youth violence, meta-analysis has been
used primarily for evaluations of interventions with violent or delinquent youths.
The second, less empirical approach is to review the evaluation research and identify
the general strategies that characterize effective programs. While such reviews are not
quantitative, they are more easily conducted than meta-analyses, and they offer useful
information for generating hypotheses and drawing general conclusions about the
effectiveness of various strategies for preventing youth violence.
In identifying best practices, this report relies heavily on recently published reviews
and focuses mainly on strategies and programs with demonstrated effects on youth violence
and on the major risk factors for youth violence.
Strategies and programs are first classified as effective or ineffective. Effective
strategies and programs are then further broken down into Model programs, which meet very
high standards of demonstrated effectiveness, and Promising programs, which meet a minimum
standard. Finally, within Model and Promising categories, a distinction is made between
strategies and programs that have demonstrated effects on violence and serious delinquency
(Level 1) and those that have demonstrated effectiveness on known risk factors (Level 2).
The decision to include serious delinquency along with violence as a criterion for
Level 1 programs was based upon the major meta-analysis of program effectiveness (Lipsey
& Wilson, 1998), which did not differentiate between those two outcomes. Serious
delinquency was a major risk factor for violence in both the early and late onset of risk
(see Chapter 4). Level 2 Model programs are those that address any of the other risk
factors with large effect sizes (substance use, weak social ties, antisocial or delinquent
peers, gang membership).1 For Promising strategies, Level 1 again refers to programs with
demonstrated effects on violence and serious delinquency. Level 2 programs are those with
demonstrated effects on any risk factor with an effect size of .10 or greater.
No attempt was made to systematically search the literature for programs and strategies
that affect small risk factors for youth violence, such as academic failure or anxiety and
depressive disorders. Therefore, some effective programs or strategies that target small
risk factors may not be included. However, such programs and strategies occasionally came
to our attention; those that did were included if the risk factors they affected had an
effect size of .10 or greater. Thus, risk factors such as child abuse and neglect, which
have an effect size of less than .10, are not covered in this report.2 Also excluded are
clinical trials of psychotropic medications, which have proved effective in treating some
affective disorders that are risk factors for youth violence but have not been shown in
rigorous clinical studies to reduce youth violence specifically. A review of these
interventions can be found in Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
Several major reviews of youth violence prevention and intervention programs have been
published in the past decade. This chapter draws mainly upon the following:3
- Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesnt, Whats Promising. A Report to the United States Congress (Sherman et al., 1997)
- The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preventions A Sourcebook:
Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders (Howell et al., 1995)
- The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preventions Guide for
Implementing the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile
Offenders (Howell, 1995)
- The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Best Practices of Youth
Violence Prevention: A Sourcebook for Community Action (Thornton et al., 2000)
- The American Youth Policy Forums Less Hype, More Help: Reducing Juvenile Crime,
What WorksAnd What Doesnt (Mendel, 2000)
- The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violences Blueprints for Violence
Prevention (Elliott & Tolan, 1999)
- "School-Based Crime Prevention" (Gottfredson et al., in press)
To improve readability, the reviews listed above are cited here and in the section
below on scientific standards for effectiveness, but they are not referred to repeatedly
in the section on best practices. Citations not listed above will be included where
Many reviews use either no explicit criteria or only minimal criteria for identifying
the programs they recommend, making it difficult to draw clear conclusions about the
effectiveness of individual violence prevention strategies. This report limits its
identification of effective programs to those meeting a minimum standard of study design
similar to the maximum standard described in Sherman et al. (1997) and Gottfredson et al.
(in press). In those two reports, a scientific methods score of 4 or 5 indicates that an
evaluation used an experimental or quasi-experimental design. This report applied that
design standard to the extent possible, given the limitations described above.
This report also attempts to distinguish between absolute deterrent effects, in which
an intervention is compared to no treatment, and marginal deterrent effects, in which the
intervention or strategy is evaluated against another treatment. Marginal deterrent
effects are effects of the intervention over and above the effects of another treatment
strategy and thus may underestimate the true effects of the intervention, compared to
receiving no treatment at all. In such cases, the nature of the comparison group is
identified in the text.
Both meta-analyses and reviews can be used to identify successful strategies,
approaches, or types of programs used to prevent youth violence. However, this general
approach has a critical limitation: Within any given category of programs, there may be
specific programs that are effective and others that are not; moreover, programs may be
effective for some populations but not others (males but not females, for example). The
general effect size is an estimate of the average effect and thus may not characterize any
particular program or its use for a particular population. Often the effects of individual
programs within each general strategy vary widely. For this reason, it is necessary to
take one more step in the identification of best practicesfocusing specifically on
individual programs that work.
Identifying specific programs that work requires a clear set of standards for judging
effectiveness. This chapter describes the scientific communitys consensus regarding
standards and how this report applied those standards to the evaluation literature to
place programs in one of three categories: Model (demonstrates a high level of
effectiveness), Promising (meets minimal standards of effectiveness), or Does Not Work
(consistent evidence of no effects or harmful effects).
Few existing violence prevention and intervention programs have met the qualifications
of a Model program. Many more have met the standards for a Promising program, and even
more would probably meet these standards if evaluated appropriately. The fact that a
program is not identified in this report as Promising or Model does not mean it is
ineffective; in most cases it means only that it has not been rigorously evaluated. Those
evaluated and found to be ineffective are identified as ineffective. While hundreds of
programs are employed throughout the United States to prevent youth violence and treat
young offenders, only those with a credible scientific evaluation are highlighted in this
report. This shortfall underscores the need for a renewed focus on evaluation in the field
of youth violence prevention.
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