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Federal Procurement Data System

ALERT! If you are trying to report any ICAR contract actions (SF279) go to FPDS-NG (click on this link).

To go to the new Federal Procurement Data System that replaces this one please click on the following link: FPDS-NG.

This web page accesses the obsolete FPDS and is not for entering any ICAR contract actions.

The SCAR Form (SF281) and the Subcontracting Form (SF295) are still available here.

 The FPDS on-line system is only accessible from the FPDC Web Site.  

To report SCAR data for FY2004 and earlier years,  click on the link, "FPDS Login Page", located on the bottom right of this page. 

To report Subcontracting data for FY2003 and earlier years, click on Sub-Contracting Data (SF295), located just below the FPDS Login Page entry.

The FPDC main telephone number is (202) 219-3416.  The FAX number  is (202) 219-3615.

The Federal Procurement Data Center

The Federal Procurement Data Center (FPDC), part of the U.S. General Services Administration, operated and maintained the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS).  It has been replaced by  FPDS-NG which is operated and maintained by Global Computer Enterprises.

The FPDS-NG is the current central repository of information on Federal contracting. The system contains detailed information on contract actions over $2,500 (FY2004 and later data). The Executive departments and agencies award over $200 billion annually for goods and services. The system can identify who bought what, from whom, for how much, when and where.

The following are some of the historical products and services regarding FY2003 and prior years that the FPDC provides on this web page:

Customer Support Agency Support
Products/Services Assistance in Completing FPDC Forms

All the data below is out of date.  It is for historical use only.

Report FY2004 and earlier SCAR (SF281) and FY2003 and earlier Subcontracting (SF295) data to the FPDC

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General Services Administration
Federal Procurement Data Center
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