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Federal Schedule Contract Numbers
Search FPDS's Federal Schedule Database Search GSA's Federal Supply Schedule Database

  • Locate GSA or VA Schedule Contracts
  • See Data Used For SBA Goaling
  • See Valid Schedule Contracts (even older ones)

This search of FPDS's database shows you what GSA and VA have reported. You can enter a contract number (only the letters and numbers, no hyphens) or part of the contractors legal name. If you search by part of the name, you get a list of all contracts containing the string you typed that are (or were ever) valid.

Be sure to check the "estimated completion date" to ensure you've got the most current contract.

Search FPDC Federal Schedules

  • Locate GSA Schedules Only
  • Check The Latest Schedules
  • See Currently Valid Schedules Only

This search of GSA's FSS database shows you what GSA currently has available. You can enter a contract number (requires hyphens; format: GS-35F-nnnnA) or part of the contractors legal name. If you search by part of the name, you get a list that includes contractors with a name containing the string you typed. You also get a list of schedules whose description includes the string.

Search GSA's FSS Schedules

General Services Administration
Office of Governmentwide Policy (M)
Office of Acquisition Policy (MV)
Governmentwide Information Systems Division (MVS)
Federal Procurement Data Center