  • Run gcg_paup with the modified script. For example:
       helix% gcg_paup myfile.script
    Here is an example of the final .rooted file:
     begin trees;  [Treefile saved Fri May  8 10:41:54 1998]
     [!>Tree(s) input to PAUP* as user-defined tree(s)
                     1 chpdrbbq,
                     2 chpdrbbs,
                     3 chpdrbbd,
                     4 chpdrbca,
                     5 chpdrbae,
                     6 chpdrbag
     tree PAUP_1 = ((1:0,2:1):26,((3:2,4:1):19,(5:7,6:6):12):0);

    This file (called myfile.rooted by default) will work as input to TreeView.

    Information courtesy of Eric Cabot, GCG inc.

    I need to compare my 200 bp sequence against a complete virus genome, which is 124,000 bases long. How should I do this?

    Information courtesy of Eric Cabot, GCG inc.

    How do I kill a paupsearch batch run?

    On the helix systems, some cpu-intensive programs like paupsearch, framesearch, and mfold have been set up to run remotely on our high-speed parallel computer. This is invisible to users, so that you run these programs just like any other. For an interactive run of these programs, you can kill the program by typing 'Ctrl-C' (hold down the Control key and press 'c') just as with any Unix program.

    For a batch run, however, the program is running on another computer, and it is not as easy to kill the program. During normal working hours, you can call up the helix staff (4-DCRT) and ask them to kill it for you. If you want to kill it yourself, you need to rlogin