FDA/CFSAN Outreach and Information Center
May 15, 2000; Updated January 2003, February 2004
The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition's (CFSAN) Outreach and Information Center (O&IC) opened in September 1999. The goal of the O&IC is to enhance CFSAN's ability to provide and respond to the public's desire/demand for more useful, timely, and accurate information regarding its regulated products.
The O&IC was also established to enhance FDA's ability to provide accurate and meaningful information to the public about food safety. In addition to providing food safety information, the O&IC will provide assistance with other CFSAN issues including, nutrition, dietary supplements, food labeling, cosmetics, food additives, and food biotechnology.
Toll-Free Information Line:
If you require the use of a Relay Service, please call the Federal Relay Services (1-800-877-8339). This is a toll free relay service to call Federal agencies from TTY devices.
For help with Food Facility Registration, contact (E-mail or phone) the FDA Industry Systems Help Desk.