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Photograph of Hunter Fanney   Dr. Fanney joined the National Bureau of Standards as a mechanical engineer in the Solar Thermal Group, Center for Building Technology, in December 1977. He served as the project leader in conducting experimental and analytical studies of the thermal performance of solar water-heating systems. In June of 1981, Dr. Fanney was awarded his doctorate in mechanical engineering by VPI&SU. Dr. Fanney was appointed leader of the Solar Equipment Group in August 1984. In 1986 the Solar Equipment Group was merged with the Thermal Insulation Group. Dr. Fanney was appointed leader of this new group entitled Heat Transfer. In 2000, the group was renamed the Heat Transfer and Alternative Energy Systems Group to more accurately reflect the projects currently in progress. The Group's major thrusts are: the measurement of heat transfer in building materials; development of test methods for residential water heaters, heat pumps and air conditioners; and the development of test methods, data, and prediction performance models for building integrated photovoltaics. During 1991, Dr. Fanney served as a member of the NIST Director's staff.

Before joining the National Bureau of Standards, Dr. Fanney worked as a research and development engineer at E.I. du Point de Nemours and Company. His duties included development, testing, and commercialization of equipment used in production of textile fibers, and development of innovative instrumentation.

Dr. Fanney is an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. During 1987 Dr. Fanney was elected to serve on the executive committee of ASME's Solar Energy Division. Dr. Fanney served as Chairman of the ASME Solar Energy Division during 1990. In 1997 Hunter, and two co-workers, received ASME’s Solar Energy Division’s Best Paper Award. He has also served as a member of the ASME Energy Resources Board. In addition to his activity in ASME, Dr. Fanney is a member of ASHRAE, ASTM, Phi Tau Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, and Sigma XI.

In 1988 Dr. Fanney was awarded the Center for Building Technology's Communicator Award for excellence in facilitating the transfer of building research into practice and the Department of Commerce's Bronze Medal for his development of test methods for solar energy equipment. He has authored over 50 papers in the fields of solar energy, heat transfer, and test methods. Dr. Fanney has also co-authored a chapter entitled "Technical and Economic Analysis of CFC-Blown Insulations and Substitutes for Residential and Commercial Construction" in the book Improved Thermal Insulation. Dr. Fanney and a co-worker at NIST received a patent in 1994 for an innovative solar water heating system using photovoltaics. In 1996, Hunter was a co-recipient of the Federal Laboratory’s Consortium Excellence in Technology Transfer Award. This award recognizes Federal laboratory employees who have accomplished outstanding work in the process of transferring laboratory developed technology. Most recently, Dr. Fanney was selected by the National Society of Professional Engineers as the Department of Commerce's "Engineer of the Year".


Hunter Fanney


Virginia Polytechnic Institute, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1974
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1975
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 1981


Heat Transfer and Alternative Energy Systems Group
Building Environment Division
Building and Fire Research Laboratory

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Date created: 3/21/2001
Information Last updated: 1/26/2001