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U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics
The Intermodal Transportation Database Thursday, October 14, 2004
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In Focus
Transportation Indicators
Indicator Period 2001 2002
U.S. Trade Balance with Mexico: Exports (billion dollars) Jul. 7.71 7.91
Unemployment Rate (percent) Sep. 5.00 5.60
Domestic Air: Revenue Ton-Miles (billion ton-miles) Jun. 1.16 1.14
Rail Fatalities Jul. 37.00 49.00
Producer Price Index: Motor Vehicles Sep. 104.49 101.52
Domestic Airline Revenue Enplanements (millions) Jun. 54.89 50.29
Consumer Price Indices: Air Fares Sep. 155.45 147.44
Key PPI: Crude Petroleum Sep. 142.30 148.54
Alien Interdictions Sep. 469.00 231.00
Tonnage of U.S. Waterborne Imports and Exports (million metric tons) Jun. 94.62 94.31
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