Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

About Us

portable speed display and trailer

In 1999, FHWA established the Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program. Our goal is to provide products and tools to transportation practitioners to reduce congestion and crashes due to work zones. FHWA's Making Work Zones Work Better outreach campaign is an effort to provide transportation practitioners with tools, best practices, innovative technologies, and concepts to make their job easier. Dedication and commitment, continuous improvement of our skills and products, and a constant search for new and better ways to work are the only ways to keep our customers satisfied. Customer satisfaction is the key to how we do all of our work.

The Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program resides in FHWA's Office of Operations and is staffed by three full-time customer-oriented leaders in work zones who coordinate and manage the delivery of products and tools for widespread use across the highway community. In addition, a Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program Integrated Product Team, comprised of staff from the FHWA's Offices of Safety; Planning and Environment; Infrastructure; and Research, Technology and Development provides quality expertise and feedback to the work zone program from a cross cutting perspective.

The Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program offers transportation practitioners numerous resources that can be of value in planning, designing, and implementing safer, more efficient, and less congested work zones. These include summaries of innovative practices and emerging technologies, planning and decision support tools, studies and research, interactive workshops and forums, and other resources such as useful links to other work zone-related sites. Recent examples of Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program products available to transportation practitioners to aid them in reducing crashes and congestion due to work zones include the Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook; QuickZone traffic analysis and decision support software; a Compendium of Work Zone Research, Development and Technology Transfer; and the customer quality review study Meeting the Customers Needs for Mobility and Safety During Construction and Maintenance Operations.