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USCGC RUSH - Command Philosophy Banner

As a member of Team RUSH it is important that you know what I expect of you and what you can expect of me. Use this guidance as you go about your day-to-day life in RUSH. If you are ever unsure about what is expected of you, please ask and together we'll clarify what is necessary. We each must strive to create an environment where we all take pride with what we do, and how we do it. Everyone's job in RUSH is important, and everything we do requires complete participation by each member of Team RUSH in order to accomplish our assigned missions. We must live the Coast Guard motto of Semper Paratus, and stand ready to step forward and carry out those missions on short notice. We need members of Team RUSH onboard, healthy, and focused on their job, in order to succeed. Team RUSH will do meaningful and rewarding work and we will work very hard. We will also have fun at sea and enjoy rest and recreation during patrol breaks. If you are not having fun, say something and we'll see what we can do to see that you do! I want each of you to look back upon your tour in RUSH with fond recollections and a desire to go to sea again.



Crew. The crew is RUSH. We will do everything legally, morally and reasonably possible to take care of our shipmates and their families. Our shipmates are special people. Show every man and woman aboard RUSH the sort of respect and dignity that you yourself expect. We will strive to strike a balance between work and life, and to make time to spend with our families and friends. We each need to be expert in our field, and must take every opportunity to learn more and challenge ourselves to become better. If you have a problem doing your job, see your supervisor for assistance; helping subordinates succeed is the job of supervisors.

Mission. We are seagoing professionals in the world's premier maritime service. We are Cuttermen, keepers of a tradition of superior performance in service to our country that dates back 214 years. We perform our missions to the best of our ability. RUSH exists to carry out important missions on behalf of our nation. We prepare for successful mission performance by properly developing our people, maintaining our equipment in top operating condition, stocking necessary spare parts and supplies, and ensuring that our training exercises are realistic and effective. I will strive to ensure that everyone is informed about where we are, where we are going and what we are doing so that you can best prepare for, and execute our mission.

Safety. Putting to sea is dangerous work. We will do everything in our power to be safe and manage risk, while carrying out all evolutions. We will at times put ourselves in hazardous situations, but we will not do so without first considering the situation, the desired outcome, and the risks associated with our actions. Every member of Team RUSH will look out for the safety of the ship, their shipmates, and themselves; ship, shipmates, self. We will know our GQ, GE and all other emergency duties like the back of our hands. We will maintain RUSH in top material condition; we recognize that a neat, clean, and well-organized ship makes for a safer ship.

These three priorities are all encompassing, overlapping and often competing. Most things we do, and the important decisions we make involve balancing these priorities. We will often make decisions that satisfy one priority, at the expense of another. These are the most important decisions that we make, and the chain of command will be employed in making these critical decisions. Priorities change quickly in an operational environment, and we must be Semper Paratus, to change with them.


Guiding Principles:

• We value our people; they are our most important assets.
• We reward top performance with appropriate and timely recognition.
• We train Team RUSH and provide all aboard the right expectations and tools to carry out our missions.
• We value ideas and input from all members of Team RUSH.
• We act responsibly. We realize that each of our individual actions reflect on our shipmates, RUSH, the U. S. Coast Guard and the United States of America in all we say and do.
• We maintain a safe environment in which to work and live.
• We make a continuing effort to ensure the mission is carried out with minimum risk.
• We provide all in Team RUSH with reasonable expectations and tools to carry out our missions.
• We are committed to fair and equal treatment of each other without regard to gender, religion, race, or ethnicity.
• We praise honesty and breed integrity

We Embody the Coast Guard Core Values: Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty


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Last Modified: 10 July 2004