Collection Development: The Library of Congress

Collection Development and Policies


The Library's Collections Policy Statements guide what materials are added to the Library's permanent collections. In addition there are four joint policy statements (on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, biotechnology, human nutrition, and veterinary science) that cover collecting by the Library, the National Library of Medicine, and the National Agricultural Library. These statements are under continuous review.

View Collections Policy Statements
Introduction | Collecting Levels


The Collection Overviews provide a brief description of the Library's collections. The sixty-two overviews describe the strengths of individual collections (for example, Australian/New Zealand Studies, Science and Technology) while demonstrating the inter-relationships of the collections. These overviews were prepared in 1993.

View Collection Overviews

Collection Development and the Internet
A Brief Handbook for Recommending Officers in the Humanities and Social Sciences Division.

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Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk (08/24/99)