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Event Facilities

Effective July 1, 2003
The Library of Congress Special Events program will begin to operate as part of the statutory revolving fund established by the Library of Congress Fiscal Operations Improvement Act, 2 U.S.C. § 182b. The shift primarily involves changes in the operation of the Special Events office, including the accounting systems and record keeping for the program. The Special Events "Agreement for Use of Library Facilities by Outside Organizations" is being modified, and certain changes in the program's nomenclature are being implemented. At this time, costs will not change, but "contributions" will be replaced with "administrative fees."

Contact the Office of Special Events and Public Programs


Is your organization interested in having its next dinner or reception on Capitol Hill?

The Library of Congress offers some beautiful rooms in its Jefferson and Madison Buildings, located at the corner of First Street and Independence Avenue, S.E., for evening events.

The Library of Congress, the largest library in the world and America's oldest federal cultural institution, was founded in 1800 to serve the needs of Congress. The Library has grown into an unparalleled treasure house of the world's knowledge and America's creativity. Your guests will have the opportunity to learn more about the architecture and collections of the Library of Congress through viewing its exhibits such as the "American Treasures of the Library of Congress" and "World Treasures of the Library of Congress," and meeting Library of Congress staff.