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Conferences and Events: Services and Other Resources
    Visit the Library of Congress Exhibit Booth at:
     - American Library Association in Toronto, CA, June 19-25, 2003
[Image of the Library of Congress  Great Hall]

Upcoming Conferences:

APRIL 2003

April 7 - 10, 2003
National Overture of Education and the Arts, Traverse City, Michigan
Presentations by Jon Newsom, Vicky Risner, and other staff from the Music Division, Library of Congress

MAY 2003

Friday, May 23, 2003
SALALM (Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) -Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Pre-Conference on the Fundamentals of MARC 21
MARC 21: Guidelines for Bibliographic Control in a Shared Environment
taught by Ana Cristan and Carlos Olave of the Library of Congress

JUNE 2003

June 7-12, 2003
Special Libraries Association, New York City
Metadata standards: what's new and how they will impact your work
Presented by Rebecca Guenther, Network Development and MARC Standards Office
June 19-25, 2003
American Library Association Annual Conference

Upcoming Events:

FLICC/FEDLINK Events and Classes

The Library of Congress >> Librarians & Archivists' Home
March 31, 2003
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