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NLS: That All May Read

Bibliographies of Braille and Talking Books

We provide two types of listings for braille and talking books.

Published bibliographies

is our term for listings on specified topics that are themselves produced in alternative formats of large print, braille and audio. Since published bibliographies are available nationally, they only list books produced by NLS/BPH that we know are available through every cooperating library.


is our term for listings on specified, but narrower topics. Minibibliographies are provided by NLS/BPH to staff at cooperating libraries to aid them in finding books for local library patrons. Some book numbers listed in minibibliographies are for books recorded or brailled by a cooperating library. Since these local productions are not made with national distribution in mind, patrons of other libraries must work with their own library to borrow a copy.

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Posted on 2004-10-20