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The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), as an agency of the United States Government, reaffirms its commitment to full compliance with the Freedom of Information Act as an important means of maintaining an open and accountable system of government.  Openness and accountability in OPIC operations are essential to ensure the effectiveness of its operations and the support of all OPIC stakeholders.  At the same time, OPIC recognizes the importance of protecting the sensitive institutional, commercial, and personal interests that can be implicated in government records -- such as the need to safeguard national security, to respect business confidentiality, to protect internal agency deliberations, and to preserve personal privacy.

Thus OPIC will:

·        In accordance with FOIA, operate under a presumption in favor of disclosure of information balancing, and appropriately protecting all interests, while placing primary emphasis on the most responsible disclosure possible.

·        Prudently use limited fiscal resources to be more proactive in dissemination of information, and will utilize all forms and channels of communications available and deemed relevant.

·        Monitor and analyze information that has a bearing on its operations and seek to improve the collection, storage, retrieval and communication of such information within OPIC as an important internal resource.

·        Enhance public awareness of development issues and share its more than 30 year experiences in facilitating private investment in developing markets.

By adopting the above, OPIC, will enhance operations by:

·        Encouraging dialogue on policies and operations, which, in turn, will result in an increase in flow of new and varied perspectives.

·        Ensuring effective local participation in decision-making, leading to “ownership” of decisions by involved participants, and improving project implementation and sustainability.

·        Broadening understanding of OPIC among stakeholders, academic institutions, and the public at large, ensuring both financial and intellectual support for OPIC’s mission.

·        Facilitating coordination with others interested in the common goal of development.

Signature Image - Peter S. Watson

Dr Peter S. Watson
President and Chief Executive Officer, OPIC

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This page was last modified on 08/09/04

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